

Fake NewsRadio

They moistly come at night. Moistly.

"the preferred platform of the chronically fuck-deficient"

If only.

Richard is great, but y'know…

That totally looks like an action figure of Jake Gyllenhaal as seen in Brokeback Mountain.

Lord and Miller shot first!

Why is the F1 pilot apologizing for a Batman movie?


I like its straightforwardness.. had a hard time digesting some of its poppier elements at the time, while I was still processing the scale and depth of The Fragile, but came to appreciate it a lot more over the years. I can hit play and get into it right away, unlike most NIN albums, each of which require a certain

This is his quest. He's like that guy. That Spanish guy. You know, he fought the windmill..

No One Knows how to put an end to this Running Joke.

Pretty much the same things that make the characters in Alien dumb, but don't tell the internet.

Tobey, you are beautiful and angular. And if you were a gas, you'd be inert.

1) Cyborg Justice?

I'll build a Walled Off Hotel and we can keep them on the other side..

If Del Toro isn't available, get me his non-union Mexican equivalent.

I'm sure I've pointed this out before: the morons were hired by Theron's character, who didn't want Weyland to succeed. During the briefing scene, she says something like "for those of you I hired personally: good to see you again", and looks in the morons' direction.

A second Councilman_Les_Wynan walks past the window, humming