
Indiana Jones and ew, what smells like mustard?

"Andy Asteroids?" from Earthworm Jim.

Tool. I honestly tried, but it's not happening.

To me, he looks like someone was 100% effective at hybridizing Paul Rudd and Billy Corgan.

Bought NIN's The Fragile a few weeks after it was released, based on people's recommendations, I was only familiar with NIN from the Quake soundtrack.. I was instantly FLOORED by "Somewhat Damaged".. the build-up, the loudness, the little sounds in the background.. it was like nothing I'd heard up until that point in

No Wes Anderson parody of Fury Road yet? Who are you, and what have you done with the real Internet??

The whole Sasquatch scene in Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, especially when they cut abruptly from the Strawberry River bit to Jack Black being violently dragged downstream. And then the song. And all the other songs. The whole movie is just gloriously stupid and I love it.

Like a hat! Like a big ol' hat that goes PEEEEEWWWW-WHEEEP!

Because of that highly suggestive pelvic movement Spider does in the background during Battle of the Bands. I laugh every time..

"Yeah, I guess the next place he robs better have a ramp! Ha ha!" *crowd laughs*

They just taped a bunch of cats together.

I don't know how they approached it back then, but I would guess it's a difficult effect to pull off.. having multiple moving shadows cast on moving actors, up close.. if there's a single light source (the Sun, in this case), shadows don't add, so darkening some areas while keeping the ones that are already dark

David Morse has set the standard too high for this phenomenon, this guy looks pretty normal in comparison.

Harry Shearer has over the years used such terms as “arbitrary,” “disrespectful,” and “a horrible mistake.”

Good track, although my favorite version is the one from the Beside You in Time DVD, where they replace that synth with a bass, and that (slightly annoying) metallic percussion thing with a lower, totally phatter percussion thing.. the song sounds fuller that way. Plus, there's Alessandro Cortini doing some weird

Well, if you rearrange all the letters in "Nine Inch Nails" and change them for a bunch of others, you get "DIE, ILLUMINATI SCUM". That can't be a coincidence.

Nah, we already have a Muse, and they're not an improvement over anything.

He's not trapped, he's slipping away!

"It was a buggy, rapey piece of shit designed by an idiot!"

They look like they're trying to execute a Fatality but the player keeps hitting the wrong buttons.