
Hey, he's the Nº1 cause of Erlich's "Mother FUCK"s! But yeah, I guess they could find a new one that also serves a purpose to the story, he's just kinda there to annoy Erlich.

True, true. Big shoes to fill.. I don't know, as soon as she appears on screen, I know I'm in for a string of cold, awkwardly paced lines and I kinda zone out.. I don't find the comedy in her, or the heart, or anything. There's plenty of room for Laurie to become a complete character, but so far, I can only describe

Elroy encouraging white people was hysterical!

Unpopular opinion (probably?): I'm perfectly OK with Laurie having less screen time. I'm not really feeling that character at all, if she even qualifies as a character.. Her scenes are a chore for me to get through, brief as they are.

I concur. I liked it alright, but it felt more like a B to me.

Well, shit, I liked it. A lot. Good lines, good pacing, the right amount of absurdity.. I don't know, all analysis aside, it made me laugh. Then again, everyone loved "Intro to Recycled Cinema" and I was having none of that, so maybe I'm getting this whole thing wrong *rethinks life*

I was not familiar with this Matt Berry fellow, but he was quite good in this.. "You midwestern floozy!" Also, is it just me or does he sound a lot like Malcolm McDowell?

Quake 2 and its expansions, Ground Zero and The Reckoning. Dem riffs! Gets me pumped for pretty much anything.

Yeah, RE: "G.I. Jeff", I probably didn't explain myself clearly (multitasking + 7/10 English). Jeff's crisis as a backdrop for the animated stuff: good. Even though it was clearly and excuse to do a "G.I. Joe" parody, it was a smart excuse, and executed much better than I predicted. But it would have been a KILLER

Sure, I'm not against any of that at all. Without it, Jeff's just the Cool Guy and that's it. It's been well established that he's insecure, even in recent episodes (iPad prisoners). I'm just saying, the way they keep bringing it up, turned up to 11.. it just feels disjointed to me, like there's an episode or two

Good point, but it's that kind of.. "micro-foreshadowing"? (actual thing?), with brief reaction shots and lines.. it doesn't really do it for me. It's hard to guess which Jeff we're getting each week: there's the smart guy who seems to have his shit together and has embraced the group and Greendale, and there's the

Yikes. Yeah, really kinda hated this one. Odd indeed, nothing about it worked for me. Weird premise, weird timing, weird resolution.. The awkwardness of the movie didn't translate into laughs at all, the "cheap sci-fi" thing has been done to death. Also, Star Wars references? Come on..

They're busy searching for the Skunk'd Ape

One mechanical alligator!


I was ready to agree.. but the thing is, we're judging this by the
message and spirit of the first film. In that context, with a message of
"life finds a way", "nature always wins", "don't fuck with natural
selection" or whatever, yeah, an "artificial" dinosaur sounds kinda
lame. This time around (from what I've

"It's a term used in sexual manipul— ation…"

Of course, I'm not saying get rid of it, I just think they went overboard with it this time. Where it was once clever, now it seemed kinda.. cocky? Like they acknowledge their mistakes, but can't be bothered to correct them, so they work them into the plot, which I find counterproductive. Soon, they'll be doing one of

The meta is too damn high! The episode felt pretty lazy, a retread of better episodes, but it was the overall sense of "meh, who cares?" that broke the deal for me this time. The self-deprecating jokes (Chang not being well utilized, everyone trying to figure out the moral of the story).. it all came across a bit

Middleditch deserves all applicable awards.