
Okay episode.. IMO, this was the only episode where the extended running time was noticeable in a "bad" way. Not a deal breaker, so whatever.

Sure, but the second they walk into a scene, I stop paying attention, so maybe they're pushing it a bit too far? You can have hateful characters and still make them appealing.. But I don't blame the writers, pretty sure it's the acting that turns me off.

I have to say, I find the school board guys absolutely irritating, for some reason.. Much is talked about Chang being annoying (I disagree), but these two annoy me to no end, and I don't even know why. They're way too in-your-face, I don't know. Couldn't get into the Dean's plot because they kept showing up.. solid

I think you're supposed to say "it can be two things", but I haven't quite figured this place out yet, could be wrong..

Oh, was it "paradox"? Either way, yeah, loved that


It's just the way he talks, I guess? He's not a bad actor or anything, my brain just can't handle the way he delivers those long-ass sentences in 1.5 seconds.

A BIG part of it has to do with how grating I find Eisenberg (and Justin Timberlake, to a slightly lesser degree), but it's so hard for me to sit and watch this movie all the way through… The over-calculated "snappy" dialogue makes me cringe, but I can usually look past that. On a more basic level, I just can't relate

Enjoy… Blame It on the Rain?

It's become quite the trent these days.

-George, we have a problem. There's a memo, here, from accounting
telling me there's no such thing as the Human Fund.
-Well… there could be.
-But there isn't (flicks paper)

I think it's simpler than that: during the mission briefing scene, Vickers says "for those of you I hired personally: it's nice to see you again", and seems to be looking in the stupid scientists' direction. At one point, Weyland says to her: "after all your vigorous attempts to stop me from coming here, I'm surprised

Wouldn't say it SUCKED, but yeah, it's kind of a snoozer… where's the riff??

Live, from New York, it's Arrested Development Season 4!

NIN's The Fragile when I was 14, fuck yeah.