
I don’t understand your point. I get what you’re reaching for but, in this case, this guy was not an adult or even teenager, who was “locked in” a body that couldn’t communicate.

His perspective is missing because he’s been carefully evaluated and found to have the cognitive capacity of a toddler. If he could communicate, specialists would have found a method to facilitate some communication. What she was doing was complete woo.

hey! rude to one of the most important pieces in art history!

I’m fully expecting this to be the worst of all of David Cage’s terrible games. I can’t wait.

Yesssss I don’t have to hear about this during E3 ever again!!

See, you obviously do not get it. It’s her body and she should be able to choose what to do with it. If she wants to use it for profit, that’s her decision. Not yours or anyone else’s. Just like if a woman does not want to be used as a sexual object, that too is her decision. You clearly are lost on the subject.

What women are fighting against is the objectification against them when they view it as unwanted. These women are clearly onboard. The only people this causes an issue with are guys who can’t tell the difference. It’s doesn’t make their, the women’s, argument worse, it makes it more obvious who the guys are who would

You and the idiots that starred you fail to realize that the women who want to make as much as the guy in the cubicle next to them and the women in these streams are not the same women. Additionally, the real double standard here is that a bunch of guys want to make money off a “useless” talent but don’t want women to

Umm... it literally spells out KJP Forever. It’s clear as day, what’s desperate about it?

What kind of passive jackass considers leaving your number game?

Lol, found the guy who’s never had a waitress give him her number on the back of the check.

You don’t know how any of this works, do you.

Can you please change the title so something like queer or gay? The F word (even used by us in the community) is wrong and should be banned permanently.

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

I for one want to know these things so I can stop supporting companies that defend awful people.

Stories about shitty studio practices should be right at the top of any gaming-related site. If those people are whistleblowing in hope of improving their work conditions, every site should make it a top priority to cover the story.
The industry should improve and the only way for that to happen is by spreading

Cage is also accused of a lack of consideration for female colleagues, and of making insistent dirty jokes, smutty remarks in the presence of his wife, and inappropriate remarks about actresses in his games.

It’s like the Suicide Squad Joker come to life but if he was a child sexual predator rather than just played by one.

A reason to replay Alpha 3? Yes, please!