
Because all football players are from the ghetto and are incapable of doing anything else worth merit, right?

Road to WrestleMania X8 for the Gameboy Advance

I see where you are coming from. I really do.

Bitcoin isn’t real? You think that paper the government prints till no end is real? Atleast like Gold there is a finite number of Bitcoins that can be mined. You’ll be whistling a different tune when the dollar collapses.

I love coffee, and I love my Keurig even though I have a french press and fancy coffee that I drink whenever I run out of k-cups.

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

As a “gamer of color” I’m immensely glad they removed the “garbage” and kept the technical mastery and attention to detail. My eyes can’t roll far enough back in my skull at the (largely) white critics complaining (!!!) that they adhered to the artistic style and removed the racist overtones. I can’t thank them

Now playing

How appropriate that the article appeared on a site called “Unwinnable”, making it a perfect metaphor for the folly of trying to play the shell game of identity politics. Studio MDHR took an art style and sensibility and made a fantastic, spirited game, while at the same time avoiding the racial failings of the era.

There’s no winning here.

Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.

I’m typically the type of person who would agree with sentiments related to medias misrepresentation/non-representation of minorities throughout history, especially as it impacts modern minority audiences. But this argument is sort of insane. If Cuphead is responsible to educate us about the racist past of these early

There’s no such thing as an inherently racist art style, you nitwit.

These are the kind of articles that have made Kotaku a laughingstock among gamers. Although I suppose it’s emblematic of most of the websites that were under the Gawker banner. This is such a reach it’s absolutely ridiculous and I think anyone with common sense can see that.

Dumb article that only exists for a click, which in turn references a dumb essay that itself only exists for a click.

“Hey guys, some people used this art/historical moment/idea for racist/sexist/etc. purposes, and it is wrong wrong wrong to reference the art/historical moment/idea without referencing (read:

Ehh I get the point of the essay but it’s a reach. What would be the “fix” for this? A disclaimer at the beginning of the game stating how things were in the 20s and 30s? While a good portion of animation was in very poor taste back then, amassing all American cartoons from the early 1900s with racist depiction is not

Obviously keeping the racist undertones would be bad. But not having them is also bad? Should everything ever that references something old have a disclaimer that says ‘in this era people were racist/sexist/etc’? Hell, considering how shitty people still are, even that could be considered whitewashing by suggesting

“It’s not correct if it does not have this.” “But that is frown on by today’s world” “Then it is not TRUE era art.” ...I guess?

The very first thing a white man tries to do, is claim to be a black woman.

The momentum that’s been created recently by the many courageous women who have opened up about their own stories has inspired me to finally be more direct, at whatever cost.

Thanks for the mansplanation, male.