I am not TomatoFace! But, you can call me Umami.
I am not TomatoFace! But, you can call me Umami.
The high speed nature of the project isn’t what costs so much. Really, it is about tort law, and eminent domain, and real estate prices, and NIMBY, prevailing wage laws, Unions... It would be just as difficult to build a railroad out of the age of steam.
In 2019 California, proponents are killing high speed rail. California is a one party State.
There is no indication that Sandmann wore blackface, ever. He stood there and smiled when Phillips approached him, aggressively, and banged a drum in his face whilst singing. That’s it.
Sandmann is a serious threat to news outlets all over America, because most of them reported that he did things, that video clearly refutes. Most of them reported that he approached Phillips and got in Phillips face, but the reverse is true. And then instead of retractions, corrections that cast aspersions on…
That would justify reporting that suggests the school is racist, or reporting that everyone wearing a MAGA hat is racist. But, does it have anything to do with the merits of Sandmann’s libel case? Not much.
The girls in the video were offended by a rape joke shouted by another boy, not Sandmann. That boy who attended the anti-abortion rally, apparently is not a Covington student:
The blackface incident that was revealed at Sandmann’s school took place in 2012, probably years before the Seventeen year old was a student, there.
What California, and the Feds really need to do is honestly consider why it is that America can’t build a high speed rail system like other countries can do. I am not an advocate of rail solutions, but I do perceive that the way America does infrastructure makes projects so expensive that large projects routinely…
Better that they should lay off a couple hundred journalists than hire a Republican hack, like that. Were the several former Obama officials CNN hired, or Clinton people CNN employed, even consulted?
At least two Justices have seen their reputations assassinated by political opponents, and that might create some sympathy on the court for bolstering libel laws to protect public figures. I don’t think it fair to ignore the contribution the press has made to creating a court sympathetic to these cases.
It is less bad to glamourize suicide than to glamourize racist murder. For these options, I wouldn’t use the word “Better,”
Franklin may have been a traitor and spy for the British.
“Removal of the item from the collection and all stores.” So, it went further. Nooses were actually sent to stores. Is it giving Burberry benefit of the doubt to attribute the company’s motive to marketing suicide and not Racism and intimidation? Suppose a child wore this noose to school, worn as in the photo: If…
We Republicans find a crazy old fart more relatable.
This is one of several Ketamine-like drugs in the pipeline. My recollection is that another one may be better.
Get an Xbox or Playstation.
It is already illegal for health insurance companies to mine genetic databases. But, probably they will be using that information, eventually. Obviously that information can help them predict the cost of potential beneficiaries, but it is also a chance to be proactive and deal with potential crises before they happen.
“Not through the stale apology of Nick Sandmann.”
The biggest tippers at the coat check are the involuntary ones who forget a phone or wallet in their coats.