That’s about $6000 per person in Inkster. I am not sure they have that much. 71% of the folks in Inkster are black and would have to pay if in no other way, through reduced city services like education or water quality.
That’s about $6000 per person in Inkster. I am not sure they have that much. 71% of the folks in Inkster are black and would have to pay if in no other way, through reduced city services like education or water quality.
A fist sized rock with a course surface might allow an enterprising person to open a can from on top of it, by rubbing it on the rim. This is not food porn!
Karen has less insulting historical connotations than Becky.
It could have been PMS.
Hopefully, the fashionable duo will get another year from the royal household, to reversibly transition from Royalty to marketable, Hollywood celeb status. One year is not enough! They need a $ billion, not low $100 Millions, to secure the posh future of their child.
Twenty years is not nothing, but anyway, I guess there might still be some State charges that haven’t been subject to the Statute of Limitations, that she should be tried under, if twenty years for non-murder is ridiculously insufficient.
The white punching bag, guy, looked sort of happy at the end of the video. He seemed to like it.
The series can have a definitive finale, because of the pandemic. The remaining characters can all get Corona from whatever is left of the NYC social milieu and ham up their death scenes.
Larry Summers, economic adviser to Obama and to the Biden campaign, said that the $2000 payment would overheat the economy, which means that food and consumer items and services would become more expensive and those prices would probably stick long after the money is gone.
Some of us think Alec genuinely believed his wife is Spanish. But, is it cultural appropriation? What if Spaniards want everyone to be Spanish? Nobody accuses foreign countries of culturally appropriating McDonalds.
“My little Butter Chicken,” is like “My little Chickadee,” but spicier!
It’s merely a “Church Roof Fund” for our digital age.
It’s confusing, because there are so many stories about students who faced administrative consequences for posting racist videos including the “N” word to social media, in recent years. It sort of leaves us trying to figure out the difference.
While it is not rare for men to have some difficulty confronting women and rejecting them, bluntly, it is very unusual for women to escalate to stalking once rejection has been signaled in any unambiguous way, including ghosting.
It’s a more inclusive “All lives matter.”
Why are you asking the “Biggest chicken producers” about small chickens?
Are the California Raisins, racist caricatures, or are they inspired by the Hughes poem quoted above?
Meghan turned out to be a Jewish princess after all, it seems. The much admired couple will have to be more clever at marketing than expected, because they can’t brand products and institutions with their royal titles. If UK refuses to pay for security, underwriting it will create annual costs for them of perhaps…
Vestal Virgins of Ancient Rome wore their hair in cornrows.
Are these some original buildings that survived the massacre, or are they buildings built afterward. The stories I read about this plan for the district aren’t clear about that. Reporting that the area was razed and then that the buildings there only need some roof repair and maintenance is confusing.