It must not be good, because that doesn’t even turn up a result in Acronym finder or Google anything that makes sense.
It must not be good, because that doesn’t even turn up a result in Acronym finder or Google anything that makes sense.
I am really sorry that I posted to Mr. Harriot’s clapback that I thought some of the letters he received had to be fake.
O.K., it would only be a replacement of all fossil fuel powerplants, nuclear powerplants, our electrical grid with a higher capacity one, 99% of cars and trucks, all railroads and highways and most sizable streets with high speed rail, all homes and commercial buildings that don’t currently meet green standards. …
I don’t really need to name them. If you don’t read the Clapback mailbag, or have not, for even a few weeks, then you should and you are in for a treat. If you do read it and don’t get the point, no response I can muster, will help much. That is where I came to understand and accept that racism is a disease whether of…
“Society Without Women” is an oxymoron.
Looks like riders might be sticking their necks out a bit. Maybe they could get a chiropractor to sponsor it?
Crew Dragon Launches using the facility, will doubtless be greeted by ICE on touchdown.
I accept that I am racist, although I never say the “N” word, and never wear sheets. Most of the people who are convinced they are not racist, and yet actually are, seem to be Libs, some of whom are showcased every week on the Root. Yet, the lesson doesn’t sink in, does it?
True, but then few if any wypipo are not racist. There is also no indication Trump wore blackface. That might not be much, but apparently it is something, besides black unemployment, he can Jim Crow about. A lot of very prominent people, many of them, perhaps most of them, Libs, are well known to have worn blackface,…
Trump, as near as I can tell, rarely says “The blacks.” He definitely has said it, but not often. Not that he isn’t a racist, but where is that prophesied recording of Trump saying the “N” word. We Republicans are waiting? We were promised this! Trump utters enough outrages so that you should be able to manage without…
The fundamental quixotic assumption of the Green New Deal, is that Americans can somehow enjoy such unimaginable wealth that everyone who wants to, can sit on our asses while simultaneously replacing the entire infrastructure of our country, every road and building and energy source. All this ultimately supported by…
Perhaps the absent children are buried in backyards?
Lego generally skirts Christian themes, with only a very vague hint in a set, here and there. Oddly, before finding success in the plastic block biz, the company did manufacture some plastic crosses as batch orders for Churches, that sort of evoke the design of the blocks to come.
Spanking is O.K., children are resilient and can survive a few emotional scars. What is this, Sweden?
It sounds like the teacher might have sought a relative on social media. A certain media giant found lot’s of “Relatives” and one volunteer with attitude.
Or get a robot arm designed to feed disabled and gamers and people who are both!
I buy it, that Cosby doesn’t want family visits, because of the humiliation and paparazzi they would entail. He can’t see visitors very well, anyway. The next real Cosby news will probably be relating to an appeal.
On the mail ballot voters, you don’t have that by precinct, do you? If you do, and dropoff is a lot lower for heavily black precincts then I have no explanation for the mail in dropoff being lower. But if that data is an aggregate of all of the state, then it is apples and peaches. Bearing in mind that the difference…
While the Dem candidate for Governor in the General was a black woman, Ms Abrams, the Dem candidate for Lt. Governor, was a moderate or conservative Dem and blonde, white woman, Ms Amico, whose background was not canvasing black communities as a professional activist, but instead, ran a trucking business. So, my call…
Any stallion would bridle at seeing his wife being harnessed to such a plowboy.