
but its not one of the most dangerous roads for humans, its not even top 10. if you drive the speed limit its pretty damn safe. every road is dangerous if you think its your own personal racetrack. the most dangerous road in america is the million dollar highway and it has been ever since it opened.

I was gonna say, this seems pretty damn easy.  Low traffic, few to no intersections, no pedestrians, no to few traffic control devices...

Any Tesla with autopilot, not even FSD can handle twisty roads.

YouTuber CGP Grey gave the FSD beta one of its toughest challenges yet

While we’re living in imagination land I’d like to request a 2 door. Thanks. 

Basically zero (“close to zero” in musk's own words) and zero are pretty close... as opposed to a extra 2 million cases.

It’s somewhat refreshing that he asked for, rather than demanded, special treatment, and (apparently) didn’t make a fuss when the answer was “no.”

“But you said you wanted bipartisanship!”

They use the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs” to justify a lot, don’t they? 

No, we will not have Mexico opening, we will close Mexico. I don’t think it’s coincidence that someone named Westbrook (sounds Spanish to me) is discussing Mexico. If Labrador Obra Din has a problem with that, he can feel the wrath of my tariffs and beautiful long words. It’s time Mexico started manufacturing

I agree. I really want a Model3 next, but honestly, supporting Musk feels like giving money directly to Donald Trump.

Funny thing is.... I used to be interested in Tesla (in theory... it’s a tad outside my price range).  I’ll admit I had concerns about QC though.  Now, ain’t no way I’ll buy a Tesla.  Musk is just too fuckin’ crazy.  I mean I had no illusions he wasn’t a bit... off.  But that guy is just too Bond Villian-ie for my

So not only is Musk a Covid denier, he’s openly fucking over all of the Tesla employees in California with this trumpish rage tweeting. Can you imagine what those people feel like reading this stuff? It is shockingly oblivious and totally insensitive of him to pull this crap.  He obviously doesn’t care about his

How long before he goes to rehab for “exhaustion.”

Yes Elon, throw away millions of dollars you invested in a factory in order to spite California for *checks notes* taking a deadly global pandemic seriously.  That’ll really own the libs and keep the investors happy!

The conspiracy theory folks always fail when it comes to the DMV Test. How is it possible a worldwide conspiracy of millions of people could be kept under wraps when the Government is incapable of running the DMV properly? You can also use the post-office.

One of my FB friends posted it like 3 times, saying “they keep deleting it!” like that was some reasoning as to why it must be true. There’s a cover-up! They don’t want you to know what’s real! We better keep posting about it and talking about it so everyone can see it! Fight the system!

She’s been at this a long time. Her Wikipedia page calls her an anti-vaxxer and conspiracy freak. Several pages describe her activities before she took this current opportunity to scare and misinform people:

As someone who works in a hospital on the front lines, the people ENRAGE me. Their behavior is beyond reckless. They are actively endangering my life and the lives of my colleagues. When they get sick (and some most certainly will), they will absolutely expect us to take care of them with total disregard for our