
The fact that the MS Plaid shipped without carbon ceramic brakes as an initial factory option was idiotic. The amount of energy the Plaid can put out, and the energy that steel rotors can absorb is so grossly unbalanced it’s criminal.

My Zero SR was the best motorcycle I have ever owned or ridden, but also the reason I don’t want another EV motorcycle. It was great in all the ways a motorcycle should be and better in some ways an ICE motorcycle can’t be (like when a bored cop wants to pull someone over at 3am but the motorcycle he was following

I owned a Zero SR for several years. It was the best motorcycle I ever owned. Yet, I will likely never buy another electric motorcycle and would discourage others from buying one unless they have specific use case. They cost too much compared to gas motorcycles. Their range is terrible and that’s primarily because the

I remember meeting Anthony at a DARPA event. He was generally a very affable guy. Years later as he worked his way through various companies but before any of the criminal charges came out it became clear how he used his personality to work people over. In retrospect his pleasant demeanor was just him try to assess my

Responding to Paul because he can likely provide more information. The battery voltage of the SR-F likely around 96V since it is derived from other Zero products. DC fast chargers provide between 200V and 450V DC so a DC would be needed. This would be additional hardware cost and weight. I think Zero rightly picked a

Fun/dangerous fact.  F-16s use hydrazine for the Emergency Power Units (EPUs)

“But four other scientists I called—all of whom are among the world’s leading experts on TSS (also all, incidentally, white and male)“

It should also be printed on the side curtain airbags.

80kWh of energy delivered in 5 minutes requires 960kW power supply. Assuming a 500V delivery system that would mean a supply of 1.92kA (1920 amps).

Thankfully it’s Chicago so bribing a cop to look the other way should be simple enough.

Everyone has a crush on Stef on some level. Not in a creepy stalker way but in a nerdy she is awesome way.

How has no one else point out the Amazon headquarters?! It has huge balls (three because it’s not just about the length) at the base of a 500' tall building.

“A true Porsche”. Take that 944!

If this means no more Fox News then sign me up!