
Can we talk about that inverter (cover)? 120V and 20A! That’s pushing 2400W; as much, or more, power than a typical home circuit. That’ll be amazing for camping or even just mobile/back-up power options.

“When this baby hits LXXXVIII miles per hour...” doesn’t flow off the tongue quite as easily.

I am dejected because as soon as I read the headline, my mind started ridiculously screaming “LINCOLN TOWN CAR CLOCK! LINCOLN TOWN CAR CLOCK!” I had to post it so that my mind would stop rambling on about it.

I believe the original Morgans used cuneiform.

What is the joke..? “The Greeks invented sex but the Romans introduced it to women”

Man fuck the Roman numerals... We need meme o meters!!

Glad to see someone using their quarantine time productively.


Well, besides the sanitation, education, medicine, wine, public order, irrigation, fresh water system, roads, and public health, not a whole lot really.

So much car nerd. Love this...

I was gonna say Morgan, but then I realized that Roman numerals are probably a bit too newfankled and modern for them.

What have the Romans ever done for us?

You do realize that a lot of people actually work for a living and need trucks, right? That Kale salad you are eating was grown by a farmer that needed a truck. That structure you are living in was built by contractors that needed a truck. The internet you are using to post was installed by a person who was driving a

In terms out outright off-road capability (i.e. the ability to traverse treacherous obstacles), I’m not so sure EVs will offer a huge advantage. ICE off-roaders have tremendous crawl ratios that yield loads of wheel torque even at low RPM, and they’ve got fully locked differentials ensuring that all wheels spin at the

They are very much alike in many ways.  None of the similarities are good.

First the mud-slinging cave diver pedo business, and now the pooh-poohing of a global pandemic. It’s almost like he went to the Trump school of public relations.

I know it’s been going on for a long time, but it’s still unreal to me how open they are about it these days. Like they traded whistles for air horns.

Why is Gaetz singling out this one black University?

Perednia insisted that people who recover could receive a “certified clean bill of immunity” and “move freely, work anywhere, and be freed from social distancing.”