
As someone who grew up in a “sports” family and never has never had any interest in it and my actual interests were pushed to the side because they weren’t sports I can tell you it’s not a pleasant experience. Show them as much as you can, yes, but let them decide their own interests then pursue it (I guess my steps

Let me generalize:

Ahhh tax evasion, the reason most wait staff are actually against getting a livable wage and abolishing tips.

I would tell my younger self to be on the lookout for something called a Bit Coin, buy as much as you can then sell them in late 2017

All the TV in one place? You mean like a cable subscription?

Torrenting? Why not suggest shoplifting too? That’ll keep your budget down as well.

Yeah, this is an important point, make sure you know what kind of HR you are dealing with. At my wife’s workplace she often tells stories of people calling the ‘anonymous’ HR help line to report some infraction or misbehavior. They are then tracked down and interviewed by HR, who denies they track anyone down but are

We have a staunch denier in my office and when this conversation was happening with a bunch of us all they could say was some variation of  “So weather IS climate now?? I guess I’ll remind you of that next blizzard”