
I wasn’t able to pull off the clunky black boot in the 90s and I sure as shit can’t do it now but these ladies are rockin it!


My first thought as well.

I am currently obsessed with “oil slick” hair. I love how subtle it is.

I never bought any of his makeup but I’ve heard he’s been really nasty in the past, to fans and reviewers alike. There’s also been some rumors about him being an awful, awful racist, but again I’m not 100% sure about the accuracy of all that.

If he really said that waterboarding wasn’t that bad then yes. Do it then ask him what he thinks.

Ah he’ll enjoy it. It’ll be a great time for him. A fascinating time. It’ll be yuge boost to his ratings. Just yuge!

YES THE PASSIVE AGRESSIVE SONG FIGHT BEGINS. BRING ON THE FULL JEAN OUTFITS. Seriously though Tay needs to do a rerecording of Cry Me a River like yesterday.

He can be the Test Dummy

We’ve got no choice but to test it on him

put him on the Rack!!

no he wants it harder then to the rack with him!

Don’t waterboard him...do the thing that he says is worse (for Islamic terrorists). Fuck him in the ass with a frozen pig’s dick!

I thought we had to give him peanuts after we waterboarded him, but as long as we don’t go after his family, I might be okay with that.

Look, I hate to say we need to do it, but it’s a terrible thing what’s going on, and lots of people agree we need to do something about it. We may have no choice, because it’s a huge, huge problem, quite frankly, and there could be massive trouble if it keeps going on and we don’t do it. So we’ll need to look into it,

We have no choice!

My favorite visual was a Latino man wearing a baseball cap and the caption read “Make America Mexico Again”

And then deport him and then not allow him to enter the country until we figure out what’s going on.

And kill his family? All three of his families or just the current one? Trump needs to give us clarification here. Seems very mean but he said we have no choice. Sigh.

Winner of the tl;dr.