
Late to the party, but I just wanted to thank Joshua for including straightening the award in the Stray Observations. The whole time that was in site I was crossing my arms to keep from twitching about it being so catty wonky. I actually thought it might be hiding the other screw, or lack of a second screw. I don’t


Detective Hermie is the bitter, cynical long timer always reminding everyone he really wanted to be a dentist.

Pitch it to the author of the fabulous “When Elves Attack”, Tim Dorsey! There’s a chapter that could kick off your movie in there! Hallmark wouldn’t take it though, since it’s based in Florida. Probably needs a premium streamer to do it justice. Possibly Showtime, between “Dexter” and “On Becoming a God in Central

I have had this lamp for over twenty years, and when I bought it back in the dark ages of the internet, there was the option to pay and extra $200 for the wooden box! I skipped that, but the cardboard box it came in, did say Fra GEEEE Lay! It’s Italian! And it came with a great t-shirt of Randy in his snowsuit whining

The dude was charged with indecent exposure, arrested, and suspended from the police department. 

So... I think since about 2016/17 my parents and I were getting pre-cooked Thanksgiving. It was a hardship, because even though my Mom used to more or less hate cooking, Thanksgiving was her JAM! She’d spend like three days with the pies and sides etc. But in 2016 Dad had just got out of the hospital a few days before

Probably the same reason in software development we have an 80/20 rule. We’ll code to the 80% and deal with the 20% edge cases as they come.

Oooh I feel fancy now! These days I buy 98% of my produce from a locally owned produce market. But a lot of times, when I go to Publix, since I use my own re-usable produce bags and the cashier at a grocery can’t see the sticker easily, I look at the PLU# so I can tell them at the register.

Man, this is pretty spot on. I bet it’s the fact that they are such great people in real life that allows them to go a lot crazy on screen. And that trying to portray a piece of inhumane garbage on screen and know they can go home and be lovely and loved makes it possible.

Aww man! I’ve always had such a crush on this guy. His passing freaking gutted me. I mean, when the show started I just had this visceral attraction to him. That impish smile, the twinkly eyes, I’ve always had a thing for big guys like that.  But the more I learned about what a sweetheart he was in real life, I melted

Only if you have that gene, then it sucks for you.

I wasn’t really familiar with her until “Only Murders...” but now I have a total crush on her. I didn’t know about this cooking show until recently and I’m so excited to binge this! I’ve rekindled my love of cooking in the last year so this will be very fun!

When I first worked as a cashier at Wegman’s many lifetimes ago, they didn’t have the stickers, we had look-up sheets. Dennis is slightly off saying it’s to look up the price, it’s to key in so that the proper price to weight for the scale is calculated. I was a produce lover, and over-achieving little dork in my

YES! And I’ve found that a nice vinegar rinse helps them keep longer. On top of that, if you do the rinse and a nominal shake dry and store in glass jars with lids in the fridge you’ll be amazed at how much longer berries and herbs stay fresh!

I’m sure my neighbors wonder what the hell just happened. I’m working remote and have all the windows open and they are outside. I read that and yelled “Oh DAMN GIRL! That’s fucking awesome!”

I got to meet her briefly at a ceremony where she was being honored. She was lovely, and I have a wonderful photo of us together. Kind of really want to read the book now!

Just recently he was directing an episode of Grey’s Anatomy and was being such a dick that Ellen Pompeo lit him up! I’d have loved to have seen that match up.

Right? I’m a screener for a film festival and it’s so eye opening. Not everything needs a Hollywood sheen, the best films I’ve seen are shorts on the festival circuit. And it all started with someone thinking “You know what story I’d like to see told....”

I had almost no trick or treaters and now I have a fridge full of Jell-O shots, stop by anytime.