
As I've always understood it (and as the dictionary defines it), empathy is an ability to identify and understand somebody else's feelings, whereas sympathy is the ability to share their feelings. Looking at somebody crying and understanding that they are sad is empathy, feeling sad as a result of their sadness is

It's a bit early in the season to be decking in the halls, don't you think?

The entire Ezio storyline has some awesome music to it. My favorite though, and I can't remember which game it came from now, was a piece with a female operatic vocal over it... Made me stop whatever I was doing for a while whenever it came on.

I was hoping someone would post Assassin's Creed II music. It really has one of the best soundtracks, fitting it's atmosphere perfectly.

How much risk you can handle depends on where you are (mostly how far away retirement is). All of this assumes that you've already saved money for emergencies. If you're 20-30, you have many years ahead for your money to work for you. It doesn't matter if your investments lose most of their value tomorrow, a few years

This is a project I did for a class. It is a pair of devices that communicate using zigbee wireless protocol. The arduino uno was too big for the project so I used it to program the ATmega328 microcontroller that comes with it, then put it onto a PCB I designed. Used a 3D printer for the shell and charging station.

Now playing

Here is mine very simple audrino based ambient light, currently running on my XBMC HTPC, and looks pretty good.

Autonomous robot that plays soccer using a compass, three ultrasonic sensors, and locates the ball using a lego IR sensor:

The Furminator works primarily on the fluffy white undercoat. Not all breeds have this.