
You mean actually map out the new trilogy before spending billions of dollars on one of the world’s largest entertainment properties? I am shocked.

Oh no! But then how could each individual director be able to express their own talent and creativity?! How will they get their vanity fulfilled?!

Here’s the thing: I strongly dislike the prequels. I think they’re uniformly bad, just lousy writing, sharing nothing that made the originals so good, total dogshit.

My apologies if my opinion ruffles any feathers, but I think they the next time they do a Star Wars trilogy they should have some idea of where it’ll end up before they start off, because this trilogy was disjointed to the point of being off-putting.

the lightsabers are real and they can kill.

I get why people didn’t like it, but I loved Lebowski Thor. The thing is, he’s never been really part of the group. The Avengers work with him, and are happy he’s on their side, but when it comes down to it he’s an alien who can channel friggin’ lightning. They’ve never been friends, only allies. He goes off and does

Why are these people so fucking dumb? Why? How many Synderverse and Venom disasters do the Hollywood bean counters need to see before they finally accept that big movies need to either be really damn smart (rare but see: Dark Knight, Matrix), or else, crazy as it is to say, a good time.

So they are hunting down Palpatine’s horcruxes?

I had an original skinny-head Han, but my dog ate it. I then had to suffer having the big-head Han. It wasn’t like the original, and life hasn’t been the same ever since.

Color. Fun. Humor. Selflessly helping other kids without a creepy ass dad telling you maybe don’t. I see you, DC.

This looks great. Zachary Levi reminds me of Tom Hanks in Big. It has exactly the right tone for this movie. Thank God it’s not grim and gritty like every other DC Property.

I ate my Battlestar Galactica missiles for breakfast.

I walked away pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. It’s definitely a solid entry to the franchise.

Just gonna ignore everything the review said, huh?

I can’t believe George Lucas drives a motherfucking Jeep.

I’m assuming one of your pattented Spoiler FAQ’s is coming down the pipeline?

I felt the same way before the Phanton Menace. And afterward I cried. Not from happiness.

Seriously. That man loved his job.

Best Villain Ever.

You wrote "failure". I think what you really meant to say was "Awesome".