

Gimme this anime re-imagined set of remakes NOW. 

I’ve been through my share of bad times and the one thing that made it better was humor.

You say “short end of the stick” but it was the greatest sacrificial scene in all the MCU. BW had a chance to make up for all the red in her ledger and she took it. Loved that.

Where's Artoo?!?

I don’t think they screwed it up. I LOVED Solo. That said, I would have really enjoyed to see the Lord/Miller version. It was a fun movie and maybe my favorite after the originals. Did we need to know all the background? No. Was it fun? Yep.

All day LONG, THIS. Damn, DC! Between this, WW and (hopefully) Aquaman, you’re getting the memo! Make it fun, baby!



Thank you for this review. All the “disappointment” posts need to calm down.

THIS. All day long. You mentioned everything I did to my wife who did her best to not roll her eyes at my nerd arguments and who almost succeeded. Couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed the film more the second time around when I left my baggage at the door...but those plot holes continue to nag at me.

I think you’re nuts. Read your original review and cringed. Then I actually watched the first episode...it was incredible! Took no prisoners and was FUNNY for the first time since The Muppet Movie. This show breaks down walls and doesn’t try to cater to kids. This is a Muppet show for adults that does what Jim Henson…

I get where you’re coming from in writing this but I also understand how describing the movie as having an all-female cast is an asset as well. You’ve also got to observe that Ghostbusters made a huge impact back in the day and has been, up until now, solely associated with those male actors. Now there’s a new movie,…

Oh, wow. The eighties called and want their guitar licks back.

Phil Noto getting some Star Wars action in his portfolio. THIS IS AWESOME.

Loved Four Swords both on its own and with the GBA plug-in capabilities.

Bricken: You. Are. A. GENIUS.

I thought I was the only one who felt this way. That guy looked like Superman, sounded like Superman and those trailers sure made me think that was film was going to be THE SUPERMAN FILM OF ALL TIME. But that character on that screen? That wasn't Superman.