
The woman has botoxed her face out of the ability to express a normal emotion.

It says a lot about the kind of person JLD is that all her castmates are so completely in her corner.

A galaxy of stars to you, kind sir, for alerting some of the uninitiated to the actual existence of splettnet.net. Now all I have to do is wait for splett1@splettnet.net to become available.

Sam Richardson is a true treasure.

Christopher Plummer is a seasoned veteran, an actor’s actor, so he’s a great choice to get re-shoots done quickly.

Harvey Weinstein a “low level guy”????? Are you serious?? In what universe?

I’ve always admired how she handled that divorce and his subsequent drama with brooke and his future kids. She took in his other children while he and Brooke were in crisis because she knew their kids health affected her own kids happiness and health because they were half siblings. She deserves a ton of respect for

I looked this up on Reddit after the news broke and someone shared a a picture from when Denise Richards divorce filing and Richards listed a thing where one time they were on vacation, she caught him looking at gay porn and she was like “don’t they look underage to you?” and he was like “forget it Denise”, and then

Their divorce and the fallout was most of what I read today. The main takeaway I got is that Denise Richards is a classy lady.

In addition to Hamilton, LMM also wrote the Broadway musical In The Heights and the music for the movie Moana. He received a MacArthur Genius Grant in 2015 and loves The Little Mermaid so much he and his wife named their son Sebastian. And he’s one of the best people to follow on twitter, so you’re slightly ahead of

I bought it on CD for my grandma at Christmas last year and she wasn’t sure what to do with it until June when she finally sat down and put it on. She listened to the first song and was completely hooked. She said she loved reading along to the lyrics as they were being sung, and she felt completely immersed in the

I didn’t listen to it for ages, because I had a poli sci professor who was obsessed with the White House performance Miranda did in 2009(?) and played it about 8 times in class. And I thought it was really weird and you’re making a hip hop musical about WHAT good luck with THAT buddy. And when the play did finally hit

A lot of people don’t realize this, but Hamilton was actually LMM’s second Tony-winning Broadway hip-hop musical about immigrants, and this won’t be the first time he returns to the starring role in his own production for a special run in Puerto Rico. Here’s a wonderful interview with Playbill about how important it

Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned, our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain. Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain, and he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain.

He and his dad have been tireless in their fundraising for Puerto Rico since the hurricane. Their non-profit has donated over $2 million dollars to Puerto Rican organizations helping the island recover.

I know next to nothing about Hamilton, but I adore Lin-Manuel. I was introduced to him through one of my favorite podcasts, and now I follow him on twitter, and he’s just such a nice guy so far as I can tell. I’m not surprised he’s doing this, and I hope it goes well and helps bring attention and funding where it is

I actually thought Sesame Street going on MK was a terrific roast of MK. They talked about realizing we’re all the same and should treat everyone with respect and kindness. MK and Fox’s whole schtick was to be racist and fear-mongering. Look at the depths she’s fallen to — she’s being shamed on national tv by beloved

I have zero! Zero fucks to give! Ah ha ha! *thunder and lightning*

Yeah, it really surprises me that the Sesame Street gang resorted to this. I wonder if it’s a Will and Grace type scenario where they were told they’d be doing morning TV and weren’t informed who the host would be. We all know Elmo’s a sell out, but this seems off brand for Oscar and Big Bird, and we all know that the

From their own “Income Disclosure Statement” (emphasis mine):