
Apparently rent in Manhattan has skyrocketed so that only the biggest chains can afford to be there:

Can you imagine how upset the racists are gonna be if Meghan and Harry do have kids? Not only are they gonna have an American mother, they’re going to be bi-racial

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

I spent last evening baking banana bread and lemon drizzle cakes and today making lasagna soup, which is apparently a thing, for my dinner on Christmas day. I’m getting over an upper respiratory infection that had me down for almost a week. This was the third time I was ill in three months. I’m usually totally healthy

Please for the love of god stop posting links to Perez Hilton. He is vile.

‘Quit crying’

Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

Ok, sure, asshole.

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing

you clearly know nothing of hoda!

Would she be called an opportunist if she was a man? No one is saying that about Cory Booker or the other male senators who have called for his resignation.

So the Trumps being bad at voting is one of those non-scandal scandals that doesn’t really affect policy in any way, and yet, it still manages to be an indictment of our eroding society in way that Obama’s “comparable” scandals weren’t (i.e. spicy mustard, tan suit, bowing to a robot). The first family not knowing how

I get feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of his awfulness. But remember: Trump is pathetic. He’s hanging on to his position by his fingernails. A position he is completely unqualified to hold.

These two are doomed. Their break up will be sudden and bitter, like it is with every couple who idolizes each other in this obsessive and unrealistic way.

I believe that she has to give up bits of her personality in exchange for looking young, which is why she continues a slow slip from being very cool to being extremely lame.

Gwen and Blake make me irrationally angry. I don’t believe they really are together, I think it’s a total publicity stunt and I probably sound crazy but hey, is 2017 and facts don’t matter anymore.

Ugh, she was so cool. What happened?

I’m calling a split soon. No one is like this and the harder you try to convince people about your relationship the more trouble it’s in.

I’m fully convinced that: