
I have a reason to celebrate! After 5 years of waiting for The Asshole to fix the divorce papers he wanted me to sign, I went ahead and filed for divorce myself, back in June. This week, the judge signed the decree after The Asshole didn’t respond to the notice he was sent.


Do you think they vaccinate the dogs

GodDAMMIT do I want to star this all fucking day long. I want to make burner accounts to give this more stars. I want to print it out on stickers and post it on my computer screen when I see some anti-vaxxer status pop up. I’ve never heard it framed this way, and it is fucking brilliant.

As an autistic person it blows my mind that people would rather have a dead kid than an autistic one.

While the younger Bush’s political morality is certainly questionable, he always came across as personally sincere; I wouldn’t expect him to be a groper.

This is the favorite excuse of garbage people like Jared Leto. Just admit you’re an abusive piece of shit. A real actor doesn’t have to do this.

I can’t help but adore them anyway.

Every time I read about “a brick and mortar space for Amazon” I throw up in my mouth a little.

The fan, a woman in her 40s,

I get why people need to view things this way, it helps them cope with their own or their loved ones breakups, but the reality is if two people were together for 22 years it was because they were aiming for a lifetime. No rational human being wants to start afresh after 22 years unless the relationship is

I am at a family wedding weekend with my in-laws, about six weeks pregnant, and we are all staying in an air bnb. I hate staying in the same house as my MIL because she is always up in my business - she will walk in our room in the morning and stand there talking to us while we are still in bed, etc. My FIL has some

She looks great and happy.

Harvey has picked Lupita to rebut by name for two reasons;

It’s like those horrible Sandy Hook truthers. No matter what evidence they get to see, they just declare everything fake. Don’t these weirdos have anything better to do than harass grieving family members?


here’s why i think it isnt her:

This series has failed in its premise, full stop.

Thank god. I must have missed that line. Idk why I continue to click on these each week becasue most of them just anger me

This post, the last in the series