
Who is watching her show except for Bobby?

Lasagna made with Bechemel sauce is heavenly. That dish looks like garbage.

This Comedy Central ad is AWFUL please stop running it it’s so obnoxious/disruptive - it won’t let you scroll past.

See this has always baffled me about the US system. I’ve done jury duty in the UK, and we are literally picked at random. It’s 12 names out of a hat, essentially, and you’ll get replaced if you, a) know any of the people involved, or b) have been a victim of a similar crime/other life event likely to seriously

Never heard of this case til just now. Why are people so terrible?

Like many years ago but yes! That she wouldn’t do scenes with him has always been known but it circulated again after the last episode.

Marriage at 21? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! She’s only 21, he’s 28, and they’re both Hollywood kids. They’ll be engaged for about a year and then break it off.

I feel like there’s a lot of actresses whose first marriage was super young? Just from a multitude of wikipedia perusals in days past. Not as stupid as Kendall Jenner getting pregnant at 20, though I’m sure Sophie will also regret this someday.

Sophie. Sophie.

I used to work west of there and walked through once to get the 4/5 because the 1 wasn’t running and neither was the 2/3 (which was closer) and we saw a wild turkey as we walked through. It scares the crap out of me. This was probably 10 years ago but it stayed with me.

The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.

Thanks for this article, Kayla. I’m impressed that you conquered your fear of this man and interviewed him. I wouldn’t have been so brave at your age. I look forward to reading about your next visit with him.

I really, really wish 30 Rock was still on the air, just to see what they would do with Megyn Kelly Today.

How bad are her ratings now and how low do they have to get before you’re spared for a DWTS recap? ;)

I don’t care if the dog is male or female, I hope she named it Lady.

I know there are some other Santa Rosa/Sonoma County Jezzies around. Just want to check in and see how everyone is doing. I don’t really know what else to say.

This week I had an ultrasound and my little fetus is the right size and looking perfect and never. stops. moving. :D

Related happy memory: that pickup point is where I had my new year’s Eve party last year. Fucking awesome spot and the Hogwarts train passes by periodically.

Cue the HW suicide watch. Not kidding about this.

I agree with most of the comments here about parenting, will add though not a gangsta, I ran pretty hard before I had kids, I knew I wasn’t ready for parenthood and waited til I was over 30. When I had kids I stopped doing things that could get me in trouble and put the kids first.