
It is a personal experience, but it’s one that a lot of women are made to feel guilty about. It’s portrayed often as an elective procedure even when it’s done for valid medical reasons, but more than that, it’s seen as a failure to perform one of the most fundamental rites of womanhood without assistance. Which is all

Olympia! Holy shit what a great name.

As a musical lover, a counter point argument:

There are people in Somalia who can’t even open the plastic of Toaster Struedel.

According to Playbill, these shiny new faces belong to Taylor Louderman who will be playing Queen Bee Regina George, Ashley Park as Pop-Tart heiress Gretchen Weiners, and Kate Rockwell as the delightfully out of touch Karen Smith.

This isn’t about getting back together; it’s about his desire to have contact with her whenever he wants, however he wants simply because he wants it. He doesn’t care that he divorced her via text because he did what he did because he wanted to at the time.

Yeah, I get the feeling that their split was more about the difficulties of his recovering addiction paired with her ‘wilder’ lifestyle than about not liking each other...

For some reason whenever I see Brand I see this guy:

I just had my second baby girl last Thursday morning :) I’m so happy and proud of my little baby and making it through pregnancy! I’m seriously overflowing with baby love right now and this time around just feels different. I’m more content and secure in my parenting skills and it feels less overwhelming than last

ha i have a good one. guy i met on a first date. first - he sent me his wikipedia before we met. douche much? clearly he wrote it himself. lmao. ok, but i overlooked that. then he was using black emoji thumbs up. he’s white and blonde. i was like....you know you can change the color. he was like, no i do it

Some of us more than others.

“They all had a power that made them special and hers was screwing her friends.”

Here’s a thought. Get behind early sex education, free and abundant birth control, and plenty of low cost child care.

Based on comments from friends (and commenters here) who have looked to adopt a pet , I feel like the pet adoption game is ridiculously and counter-productively fraught with barriers and stress and the only people they let adopt a pet have huge homes, huge yards, no job, no young children, no other commitments and

Wait Abigail as in Abigail that had sex with a guy in the song “Fifteen”? Taylor did t even change her name???

My niece, along with a few Girl Scout pals, raised almost $1000 for the Houston SPCA at a bake sale! She said most people gave her $20/ cupcake! She lives outside of Boston. Maybe people don’t always suck!

This needs to be clarified. Venus won a third round match at the U.S. Open. There are 7 rounds total to win the U.S. Open event. It’s extremely misleading as currently written.

I never got the appeal of him. His mouth looks like it was the model for a Simpsons character.

I’m still not done hating him thanks to his character from “Julie and Julia”. To be fair that movie almost ruined Amy Adams for me too, their characters were the worst. That part where they get into the tamest argument ever and he leaves for two days? Ridiculous. I’ll never understand why a movie starring Meryl