
I don’t know if this was a book or tv scene (or just my fevered imagination) but I remember Jon was very wary about boning with Ygritte because he didn’t want to leave her with child (wanting to avoid an unwanted bastard situation that he grew up in) except Ygritte was all “the fuck is wrong with southerners if we

I think I’m super-fertile, actually. My mom was the youngest of 10, I’m the youngest of 4. My sister had three with one being a surprise. I just assume I’ll be poppin’ ‘em out like Pez dispensers when my time comes.

The dancers are the stars to me.

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

People like you are why the movie industry is struggling. Stop being so selfish and think of the theater owners while you’re out getting exercise, fresh air, vitamin D, and improved mental health.

There were quite a few weekends over the summer where I wanted to go see a movie but I couldn’t convince myself to be even mildly interested in any of them. The only movie I wanted to see was The Big Sick, and I missed the window.

Rhaegar and Lyanna’s wedding was infinitely more interesting to me.

I think the GOT death rule is that nobody’s dead until you see them die, and even not then. Light a candle for my ginger prince, tho. He needs to make those giant babies with Brienne!

Her problem is, she still thinks like a rich white man.

Seriously, wtf is it with TS hate? She’s freaking 28 years old, she’s coming into herself as a person. And yeah, she’s channelling a different aspect of her personality. May I remind everyone that at her age Beyonce introduced Sasha Fierce?

Holy shit am I tired of hearing the phrase “playing the victim” used about a woman who was literally just in a courtroom getting justice for being sexually assaulted this month.

They should add a button next to “Reply” on all articles that says “Hey! I found something that you typed incorrectly!” And you can click on it to submit your very worthwhile complaints about spelling and grammar.

Oh god somehow I missed this was a stepmom and not, like, bio mom.

Honestly this series is one of my favorite hate reads. The stepdaughter always comes across smarter and more mature than the stepmom who is trying just a little too hard to be Cool Stepmom.

Hourly billing is hourly billing. He probably got $1000 to write that letter.

I just read this lengthy ass blog post about a lawsuit stemming from a private Facebook mom group.

My fan theory is that she faked her own death to escape a suffocating marriage.

I’m a Donna truther.

The logical assumption is that the door wasn’t there when they walked through, and nowthis will be missed.

Write to the company and let them know about your experience. That wasn’t okay. Uber rides shouldn’t be stressful.