
Murphy was a real fucking scumbag about that whole affair if I recall correctly.

“I’ll never understand the sex appeal of a boozy cigarette-withered middle-aged man with a hairpiece fondly nicknamed a rat, not to knock Frank Sinatra.”

THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO. Worst part was that while we were arguing about it, he said (my kindest interpretation would be that this was his attempt at flirting / bringing the sexy vibe back??) “Ha, I don’t hate you, it just means the sex later is going to be rougher.” 1st of all, that’s super presumptive, 2nd of all,

Aaron did beat Shaq in basketball so anything is possible.

This is sort of like when Marines ask celebrities to whatever fancy Marine dance they have except the Marine is on meth and not a marine and the fancy dance is optimistically an Olive Garden.

I don’t think his intention is to date her...

No one is under any moral or legal obligation to think like me, but I find it weird that Angelina Jolie does not seem to have any female friends. Those kids are going to grow up, Brad will leave again and she’ll be stuck with maybe her brother? I picture her wandering some French castle in a hooded cloak, talking to

If I ever spawned my parents wouldn’t stand for this. What about grandma?!

She can deal with/change the name. She’s stuck with those parents...

“OK, so this is really hard because I’m close to them,” Stanger told ET.

That made me tear up! I don’t like her music, but I root for her. We’re the same age and had our meltdowns around the same time. She seems so sweet.

So nice of Patti Stanger to let her friends know that she is there for them, by telling it on Entertainment Tonight.

I don’t want to [bombard] Anna, but I do want them to know…anything they need from me, I’m there for them. I just love [them] both.” 

Bodhi Soleil Reed Somerhalder,

That reply was great. Fuck that guy.

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

Look at that fucking leer. Please.

Ugh, that body language is making me rage out on her behalf. Fuck this guy. What a pig.

I don’t understand how he’s even trying to sue for anything. Look at the picture. Best case scenario: his hand is over her dress, on her ass. Worst case scenario: his fingers are slipped under her dress, on her bare ass.