
Hollywood wants the authenticity of children of poverty, parade them around at premieres, then dump them back into their previous life and adults from the West profit from them for years.

Jolie’s version of the story is the same as the story that the magazine printed - she doesn’t seem to get what was wrong with it in the first place. It doesn’t matter if YOU think ‘this is an acting exercise, this money is meaningless and the children don’t get to keep it anyway’ - to those kids they’re just seeing a

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and posit that Anthony Scaramucci is an asshole garbage human.

Dear Hollywood,

My married daughter is 27. We take a trip together once a year (in March we went to London/Paris for 10 days) and I visit her another time during the year or she and her husband visit at some point during the holidays. I actually don’t give a shit about birthdays so if she remembers mine that’s great. If not, I get

I am smack-dab between your age and your mom’s, and I am the mother of a teen, so I feel like I can look at this as both a daughter and a mom. To answer your questions - - I live out of state and visit my mom once or twice a year, and she visits me once a year. I have never in my life gone to visit my mom for her

May I just say that Nickelback’s first album was also released that day and that didn’t stop them from being successful, despite all of our wishes.

I am a news junkie and I do not read that crap. No news junkies I know, and I know a lot, read that crap. I find your statement hard to believe.

That song was the SHIT!!!!.... “ Ghetto Superstar” was her best banger tho

A very good online friend had cancer and we all knew she would not make it to season 3. Some other friends in show biz contacted the show and told them what was happening and asked for some help so she could see what happened. A VP from Sony showed up at her hospice with season 3 in hand and 3 days before she died,

Transporting 100 ETOH patients would be a nightmare, logistically. Even if you put two per ambulance, that’s 50 separate runs. Factoring in the heat, a lot of them probably needed IV hydration, which means you need a medic and not “just” an EMT (note: I’m an EMT, don’t @ me. But at least in my state, we can’t start

Who are these people? Well they’re people who are not like you. Crazy I know. Everybody is different. I didn’t masturbate until I was 23. Before that, I had no desire to. I have a low libido. It happens. I’m not sure shaming people who aren’t exactly like you when it comes to sex is the right way to go.

do you have your premed recs done? If not, the cheapest way to take them is one at a time, through your community college. You typically need 2 semesters orgo (sometimes 1), 2 semester gen chem, 2 semesters bio, 2 semesters physics, 1 semester biochem, 1 semester math. You need labs with the science classes. Try to

No. I don’t care how much the guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone. It took my grandmother in six months and it’s awful.

Sarah Palin was more a stopgap to try and rein control over the increasingly toxic elements of the Party.

If John McCain has brain cancer, then what will the rest of the GOP be diagnosed with?

I weirdly feel my disdain for Ed Sheeran slipping away. That castle on a hill song is a pleasant earworm and his feelings seem hurt over all the ginger hate. It’s not like he murdered a puppy or Taylor Swift. I think I like him.

She was 8 months pregnant and he left her for another woman. I don’t care, that was fucked up.

“It really bothers me that people are so offended by breasts.

He has a beautiful body, but his head is just all frat boy. I just can’t get into him.