I was really sad when Nelsan Ellis died, no one likes to see a young, vibrant, talented person pass away; but then the details of his passing started to come out and it was revealed he died in Woodhull Hospital in Bed Stuy.
I was really sad when Nelsan Ellis died, no one likes to see a young, vibrant, talented person pass away; but then the details of his passing started to come out and it was revealed he died in Woodhull Hospital in Bed Stuy.
The Ocho!
How the fuck did Jorah get there!
Obviously the Red Keep has no mirrors, look at that fucking haircut. It’s been like 2 seasons now, I think we can believe it’d have grown out by now.
It’s Ed Sheeran. KILL HIM NOW!
God I’m so glad we are only teenagers once in our lives.
This season is really just going to be Jaime looking miserable as he realises how fucked up Cersei is.
I’m almost certain Arya’s arc ends tragically. Really hoping it isn’t Jon killing her when she’s in another face.
I find the juxtaposition of “have sex” and “give 2 blow jobs” with “eat cotton candy” and “have a lemonade stand” to be a little heartbreaking. She is still just a kid.
Had to look up “crossfaded”. I’m an old...
So, doesn’t the sex and blowjobs belong in a completely different age group than having a lemonade stand? Please?
I’m ridiculously excited to see Daenerys set foot on Westerosi soil! I firmly believe that there will be a few payoff moments this season that will be (nearly) impossible to ruin.
Children are vicious little creatures,but with a observant parent, they can be taught not to bully and to be more empathic. I truly believe that an asshole kid is the child of an asshole.
One time I bullied a girl in the gym locker room. We were freshman in highschool and a week or so earlier I’d seen her talking to my boyfriend in a park. He gotten her phone number and told me to piss me off presumably as payback for something I’d done to him, as was the nature of that relationship. She probably…
“So, Ms. Nightvale, was that a right-hook or a left you gave him?” He kept on walking and I didn’t get in trouble.
I was a mouthy feminist in a sea of Mormon redneck. Popularity was not an option:
What stands out to me more than anything is that she was here for 3 years and it feels like she started yesterday. What I mean is that I’m old and no longer grasp the concept of time.
I was always bitter that Poehler didn’t win *once* for Leslie Knope. That show deserved so many fucking emmys. ugh