
has jezebel ever done a ranking of all of the real world seasons? i would read that. i would especially read that if it was written by Kara (*cry*)

This season had one of the most amazing reality tv scenes ever between David and Kira. “It kills me! You don’t even know!” “The love that cost me everything.”“I must not be enough!”

I don’t think you’re allowed to criticise her around these parts without people decrying you for not recognising Kim’s ‘business acumen’ (!)

Did we learn nothing from Hamilton??? Someone put Lin in charge of casting this, it’ll be done in a week.

But finding a male lead in his 20s who can act and sing has proven difficult — especially since the studio wants someone of Middle-Eastern or Indian descent 

I feel the slam on Garner but “. “Lindsay refused to back down or quit the affair,” also speaks to Shookus’ lack of character. No winners and two losers.

It’s not a rumor, she cheated on her ex husband Scott foley with Michael Vartan, and then cheated on vartan with Ben affleck, who was engaged to jlo at the time.

My friend and I were talking about this, bc 39 is pretty young for your ticker to quit. I said either he was living a secret unhealthy, crazy life, or had a heart defect. I was reluctant to believe the former. I’d always read Nelsan was a delight to work with, in addition to being a spiritual guy and very into his

Bless his heart. Trying to get sober, dies in the process. What a fucking tragedy.

What every gender reveal party really needs is a good guy with a gun.

Butt stuff.

I’m not the only one to have briefly pictured this, am I?!

Spider sounds like a swell guy!

thank your local animal control officers every day you don’t wake up to a gator eating your foot.

We say the 5, not the I-5.

True story: my first apt by myself was this little tiny studio in a 15 story building. Being brand new to the building and not knowing anyone, I spent time by the pool and got to know some of the residents. One I only came to know as Spider (never asked why but the huge, poorly drawn spider tattoo on his back was my

Is it just me or is the new director of the CDC...not terrible? A pro-vax advocate who thinks that abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doctor is about the best we could hope for under this administration.

I like the crazy colors but open shelving in the kitchen has got to DIE. Useless. This kitchen has it directly above the stove! She’ll have to wash those dishes before she puts any food on them!

Reminds me of a pet peeve I acquired recently. I’m looking for a house, and as some of you maybe know, the people who stage houses all buy their cheap interior decorations from the same places. So I’ve been seeing tons of these types of rugs, one after the other, every single day.

This sounds nuts. I should watch it.