Someone should make a parody where it’s an argumentative husband and wife trying to set up a tent.
Someone should make a parody where it’s an argumentative husband and wife trying to set up a tent.
Because it is the only thing keeping 60% of the cast out of bankruptcy?
OMG same! Dax Shepard confuses me and is creeping into pet peeve territory lately.
Did you see that fountain wishing movie with Kristen Bell? Dax Shepard, Will Arnett, and Jon Heder were all trying to date her. Flip a coin, girl, they all look like the same damned person.
Keep the house. Investment. You’ll burn through rent money super quickly and then be left with nada. Find roommate and up the $$!! Or rent the entire house for $$$$ and rent a small place for $$.
Okay well I’ll tell you a dumb Steelers related story. Than you can share why you are weeping if you feel like it.
Yeah, that’s pretty much the worst fake dick pic ever. The logistics are ri-dick-ulous.
I suspect that story is bollocks. His great-uncle’s abdication nearly destroyed the monarchy, and he knows what a strong sense of duty the Queen has. No way would he think there was ever a chance of her abdicating..
Came here for the Simba gifs and was not disappointed.
After the whole brouhaha with Edward’s abdication, Princess Margaret asked her sister, “Does this mean you’ll be queen?” When she said yes, Margaret said, “Oh Elizabeth, I’m so sorry.”
I’m guessing the next step will be Olympios and Jackson settling their suits for undisclosed amounts.
Maybe, just as she snapped it, she realized that taking a selfie of a kiss is the height of thirst.
Gwen looks strangely unhappy in that picture, like she is about to cry. Perhaps she is contemplating the prospect of an armadillo entree for the birthday dinner?
Oh, Queen is there, you bet. They love it. I introduced them by way of the Bohemian Rhapsody version the Muppets made, it’s hilarious:
Haha yes! I also think that Eric looks like a vampire. Not a main character, but like an extra on a Buffy episode that just got turned like last week and gets staked in the first three minutes.
They look like groomsmen at Draco Malfoy’s wedding.