
Quote: “Sorry, Steven. I don’t mean to call your ass out but it’s true”

Somewhere, Nicole Kidman is reading this and cackling.

Guns for all! Health care, not so much!

Let’s not be a dick about this

I don’t know about the whole Rachel Bloom thing. There’s something about her manic energy that I can’t deal with.

I liked one track, it was kind of slow, I forgot the name.

I love this woman.

You should go see “The Radio City Christmas Spectacular Starring The Rockettes”(TM) There is a “Living Nativity” piece at the end, so the Rockettes come dangerously close to tap dancing their way to Bethlehem and forming a kick line to celebrate the birth of Our Savior.

Yes! I’m going to see it in August (first B’way show ever!) and I’m so excited because it looks gorgeous. It probably also got snubbed because the cast isn’t big-name.

These are Melania’s parents.

Still better than being Eric.

It’s unsettling to see an eleven-year-old with a thousand-yard stare. I actually feel a little bad for the kid.

I love The Great Comet sooooo much and I think Lucas Steele is the best thing in it but my fucking God, something about his look is so creepy.

My company doesn’t allow me to claim ANY alcohol on my expense report.

Poor Brendan Fraser. The 90s era movie was so great.

God I hope this is an actual screenshot

Goddamnit if your baby comes out at 4 pounds or under you need to take that baby to the hospital you dumb shits

I didn’t even read it as her having an involuntary orgasm; she said she was unconscious. I read it as Cosby just being a liar who made that part up to try to have plausible deniability with regard to consent.

Star for “car parts” lol

“Because her father didn’t want her to be humiliated. To feel shame, embarrassment that he had seen other women go through when they went to the police at that time,”