
I honestly never got through much of Chappie. Not only was it just terrible, but I’ve discovered that I have the same reaction to hearing the word “Chappie” as some do to hearing the word “moist.” It’s a movie that hurt my eyes and ears.

He's one of the few filmmakers making R-rated science fiction films with substantial budgets in a visual style few other emulate. I would gladly watch a hundred bad Blomkamp films than another Independence Day Resurgence.

When are we going to put him alongside M. Night Shyamalan in the category of people who accidentally made a good film?

I have a feeling that the cast and characters of Power Rangers will feel nothing at all like the original and therefore I am claiming the title “POWER STRANGERS” for review purposes.

Thats not saying much...

“The Rider of Ghost” sounds like a slash fic about the forbidden love between Jon Snow and his wolf.

Satellite launches are heavily insured for this exact reason.

The real question is, “What kind of stuff will I be able to deface and destroy in the staging room before the match starts?”

this gif always reminds me of ARGs

I find these ARGs fascinating, but they’ve become so complex a normal human being can only sit back and spectate.

I’d settle for a Play of the Game video that just shows a Dev just sitting there and pressing the keys to ban them that they have to watch the moment it kicks them.

This is how Blizzard should do its bans. They should wait until the cheater is actually playing, then they should kick them off the server. Not only that, but they should go farther and design a banhammer cinematic that plays on the cheater’s screen the moment it happens.

I think he should have at least taken the SS4 design route. For all the flak GT gets, that Super Saiyan form was legitimately awesome, and far better than vanilla Goku with different hair dye. Plus, it was a cool callback to the Oozaru.

Dude, take a chill pill. That was very much uncalled for.

I’d be OK with the studio editing the Joker footage into a movie so long as all copies of said movie were immediately shot into the sun. Followed by the complete immolation of the entire human race and all it’s works, so that any alien race that finds the burnt husk of the earth can never unearth any trace of the

Paramore type Pokemon lolol wut

According to Simon Pegg, the Kelvin incident has effects that reached back further into the timeline and changed things that occurred before the Kelvin was destroyed. This explains gay Sulu and, presumably, the changed appearance of the crew. It apparently reached back so far that Khan Noonien Singh changed ethnicity!

It sucks. No tracking = no real way to hunt for pokemon and “play” the game. It went from a game which got me outside to play, to a game i now play when im outside anyway.

As a Maine resident, I would have given up and died along the way too.

It would have helped if they’d been better actors. It’s a really fun idea though.