Tam Honks

Right upside the head!

I grew up in the same circumstances, though I will say that even though we attended church religiously (sorry), we received next to no assistance from them, outside of a box at Christmas, so my faith (sorry again) in religious charities is really quite limited. The only reason my mom, myself, my brother, and my

It’s depressing to say how much sense this makes me, because I was wondering how the Republicans would justify taking money away from big box retailers like Wal-Mart. That didn’t jive with their usual MO. Using it to set a precedent of “we’re serious about cutting funding here,” though, does.

I found the one that notifies freebies from r/GameDeals annoying. It’s mostly posts about “free weekend” or “DRM Free”. And when there is a legit free game, it’s usually trash.

If your on PC, you’re better off using https://isthereanydeal.com/ It’ll keep track of games on your waitlist and notify you when they hit an

Anyone else stuck in this weird spot where you’re generally happy/hopeful about the direction your own life specifically is headed, but the state of the world and the direction its heading constantly drags you down, so you want to just completely ignore and shut out the news, but you feel an obligation to keep

Sometimes you just can’t stop the kid from eating paint.

I’m here to let you know I never regret leaving my iPhone 4s for a Google Nexus device.

My first thought about Barack’s photo was “do you think the artist intentionally made sure his hands were prominently displayed in the foreground? Maybe as a reminder that we used to have a president with large, manly hands?”

“I deal with the god damn Olympic Committee so the athletes don’t have to!!”

“Sir, can you tell us a little bit about... *checks notes* ....what exactly it is that you do here?”

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

I hope I’m invited to the wedding between Lady Doritos and Dr. Pepper Ten.

Just stay away from our manly chocolates alright?

I keep a bunch of screen caps saved just because there so many great things in there.

But why?

“Blue Lives Matter!!!!”

Wait. What? Nevermind...

Yours truly,
FOX News

“The Republican base had kind of rotated from the country club to the country.”

Ex-professional dominatrix here. I had a few findom clients but chose not to focus my practice around it. I found that the guys can be REALLY high maintenance. People often think findom is an easy, no effort way to make money (a mistake people make about sex work in general) but it is NOT.

A timely piece. Thanks for sharing your experience.