I really don't give a shit — my sample size is large enough to support the claim. Come at me brah. :-P
I really don't give a shit — my sample size is large enough to support the claim. Come at me brah. :-P
So you've only dated people others introduced you to?
I literally just told one of these bitches the same thing. Vile fucking individuals and I wish all the street harassment in the world on them because they oh SO deserve it. I apologize on their behalf, we're not all overflowing with hatred.
You must be so fun at parties... you're the rudest individual I've ever come across in my entire life, including all the catcallers. I give him props for still responding to you in a respectful manner while you're foaming all over your keyboard. Pathetic.
I have never ever in my life ever heard of catcalling even leading to an exchange of phone numbers let alone anything else. Where did you hear those stories?? Either these women had zero confidence/self-respect to begin with or the guy didn't size them up the entire time while walking down the block like a lion…
I concur. I lived in LA for years and had to park my car 4-5 blocks away because all the parking around my work was 2hours max.... DAILY street harassment without fail, mostly by minorities. If it ever were a white guy, usually some white trash construction worker (I'm not saying all construction workers are white…
She drew all over that lipline.
I don't think she was rationalizing in the moment of rape, I don't see anyone doing that... your first and only thought is how the fuck to stop it.
Lol, you're joking right? "Proportional force" against a RAPIST? What do you propose she should have done, slapped him until he stopped? Is this fuckwad trolling or serious????
As someone who grew up in Western Europe but now resides in the US, it's simply the products of unchecked predatory capitalism... this is just the beginning.
What are you talking about? "Unbalanced" definitely, however sexual trauma could result in mental illnesses such as PTSD, maybe an eating disorder, but it won't make you think someone put a microchip in your brain and now a bunch of people are reading your mind. That sounds more like schizophrenia, which wouldn't be…
It's actually 16 in most states, and 18 in very few.
What kind of cocktease comment is that?!
[edit: never mind, answered my own question.]
Right? This reads more like a Seinfeld episode than anything real-life, lol.
You are just as weird as Mr. Ceiling-Toucher, maybe you guys were perfect for each other.
Because their prisons are 150% over capacity.
Exactly my thoughts... damn us cynics (realists)