
Seriously. I'm white but I'm dying at all the cracka comments here. "Hurrr? What could it meeen? Much confused." -___-

Way to miss the entire point and purpose of movie reviews and critics.

So your solution is to make it less accessible to women who do need/want to take it? Who are you to push your decisions/agenda onto someone else? Your beef is an entirely separate issue on its own, and this ruling you support so much does absolutely NOTHING to address any of those concerns mentioned as your rebuttal

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this.. but your best friend's aunt is a camgirl.

Since when do condoms create a hormonal balance within on a monthly basis? Idiot.

It's almost as if you don't understand a thin...oh, wait, never mind...

Yes, unlike your father who apparently couldn't pull out in time for everyone's sake.

Please elaborate on this alleged hypocrisy and duplicity, Mr. Jelly-Beans.

Daaaaaaaamn, Operation Michael Scofield.

LOL I thought you meant him the felon, I was bout to save him from her and all!

Is he single? If so, give him my number.

I thought so, too?

Yes, like men "fall" for every hot chick they want to stick it to, huh? Git. >.>

Damn, I'm all kindsa minorities.

Ya, no shit Sherlock.. no one called it "crystal meth" though.

Complete with pipe burns to boot. I just can't with this story, it's too much perfect.

They named her in 1977... now 2+2=?

Probably not, there was no such thing as Crystal Meth in 1977, certainly not termed that