
It’s your turn in the nonsense spotlight, Kotaku. Stick to Gaming!

Man, did Seattle at least include a bag of chips? A 2-liter of something?

Feel that breeze from all the fanbases furiously writing up trade scenarios for their hated starting QB. WHOOSH! I can imagine the flood on the Lions’ boards for one.

Until Offsides is “past the second player by X distance” I think they have to call that Offsides.  NOT calling it in the 95th minute of a tied cup final is the true fear of VAR as it stands.

The way things are going, he’s not going to get service time for 2022 either.

All I can say is the College Overtime rules would have, well, ruled!  Even if they made the pros start at the 40 or 50.

Meh, that shine has worn off, GB won when it mattered. Losing against the BEARS, tho, that’s pitchfork material.  If Laundry Pile gets swept again next year, the dryer is HOT.

*Jim Caldwell smiles imperceptibly*

I can think of four million reasons Temple isn’t digging anything but the party tonight.

He’s met the Son of God, and THAT is what he remembers about it? Someone didn’t notice the fake pews.

Pure Whaling. Given the $$$ that vomit from Whales, I can’t judge too harshly for feeding them.

A couple of things I’ve always liked about SATB: The Fred Flintstone censoring that was so awful that it became funny in its own right, and the big-rig truck racing! People were that crazy back then? Awesome.

I fully support a Bullpen loading onto a cart to get to a brawl at home plate!

Goddammit Couch! Jumping from covering a MAC school to the B1G Ten inflated your head to beach-ball size. It’s shocking, SHOCKING, that one of the highest-paid employees of MSU might be under scrutiny for some serious negligence. You might even ask him about it yourself if ESPN bothers you that much.

<mercy shrug.gif>


I’m just - holy crap, the Lions may have the best front office in the division. Connect Four vs. Checkers, but they only set back-end picks on fire like this. Is my team the class of the NFC North now? *scared*

That’s like a 5-6-3 putout in baseball with no one on base, and the third basemen deliberately throwing to the shortstop. Chances of a bench-clearing ruckus: High. Soccer, for once, is less pissy about violating the “spirit of the game.”