
Mythology is wonderful. It also sorely needs to be mocked, raked over the coals of irony again and again. The world we live would benefit from less slavish reverence paid to cultural and historical mythology, since that reverence all too often has dire consequences for people trying to live their lives today. Of

It's unlikely that very many of them have read even a single basic text on genetics, historical migration patterns or population dynamics. When their massive identity bubbles inflated by pure historical and ethnic mythology are popped, the resulting behavior is as fascinating as it is disturbing.

"Anti-American, Anti-Democracy Fuckheads"?

"See! THEY'RE the oppressors, because they refuse to be oppressed by us! Moooo-mmmmm-yyyyy … WAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

While not their absolute best, 'Curtains' by Tindersticks by no means deserves to be lumped in with Sugar Ray and Limp Bizkit!

Just four words of advice for this, and every other Marvel series on Netflix:

The new Big Thief is shockingly good - a substantial evolution from 'Masterpiece', which I very much enjoyed. At first listen at least, it's well crafted yet stirring, working in a richer palette lyrically and instrumentally than it's predecessor, the vocals feel more personal and unguarded, nothing feels superfluous.

You know, I had the recent Magnetic Fields playing in another tab while reading AV Club. I love Magnetic Fields. I muted the tab Magnetic Fields was playing in to watch this kid's video. It was worth it.

It seems to be a confused jumble to me that self-annihilates on most of the major questions that political and moral philosophy, of whatever tradition, attempts to analyze. Before encountering your reference to 'Moldbug' and company, I'd mainly been investigating 'traditionalism' through the lens of Burke and Carlyle

Wonderful, now there's ANOTHER strain of anti-egalitarian ideology that I get to research! I've somehow missed these two. The 'alt-right' as an umbrella is relatively diverse, with a number of influential schools of thought that, at least by my understanding, are fundamentally incompatible. At least beyond the common

Yes, and the armed to the teeth 'freedom' focused, militia types are far from the worst of it. The hard core libertarians who fancy themselves constitutional experts are, even when they are racists, preferable to those who share the armed-to-the-teeth and racist qualities, but wed them to particularly nasty strains of

On one hand, I feel like playing 'tit-for-tat' has gotten up no where as a country, and therefore I am tempted to read the detailed policies as they are released after the new administration takes over and judge them solely by how I think they will impact the rights and prosperity of Americans in general. Would I

While Ignatiy's whole review is almost certainly infinitely more entertaining than the film it skewers so skillfully, that opening paragraph is particularly hilarious.

Instead of just listing deserving individual albums, I'm curious where folks are finding their music these days.

Based on pretty much any photo/video of Rio ever, a person who has never visited is certain to get the impression that the city is dominated by the Redentor. In actuality, you can be in a neighborhood in the south zone virtually at the foot of Corcovado (the mountain it stands on), look up, and think "That's it?" It

Out of curiosity, has your friend generally liked Tomine's work in the past?

Conversations on all kinds of things reoccur all the time and will continue to do so as access to information and the ability to pay attention to it is asymmetric across big, diverse populations. Moreover people often refine points over the course of multiple conversations, gaining nuance or sometimes even coming to

White also addressed Tidal’s artist-generated interface, saying he and other acts “spent all last night talking and discussion ways to make it very cool.”

No, no, no … C.E.N.T.I.P.E.D.E. has always been, but they transformed S.P.E.C.T.R.E into S.P.H.I.N.C.T.E.R. Brand synergy and all that.

Why? Modern commenting tools and essential human information filtering prowess make ignoring information that you find redundant, trite, or otherwise unenlightening a trivial task.