
Didn't NBC torpedo their comedy development slate?

As an American living in Rio, I'm not optimistic about this.

I cannot read the title of this show without laughing.

"The Razzies decide they hate Kirk Cameron now"

Instead of a Chicago based medical drama that's some kind of extension of existing NBC dramas, I want an extension of an NBC comedy.

What was your opinion of the 'Monster' anime, if you've seen it? Maybe I had unrealistic expectations due to the reviews I'd read, but i only found it to be good, not great. Is the manga better?

Please say you were attempting to be ironic somehow.

I feel sorry for the theater clean up crew.

"Margaret Markov"?

Obviously the "Y" is a metacommentary on the film itself, as well as the ephemeral quality of franchises in the modern era. The title boldly challenges the audience to ask itself "Y?".

Do the execs at Warner Bros not watch their own programming? (That's a rhetorical question.)

For someone like me who has discovered British post-punk only in the last 10 years or so, does anyone have some recommendations if I already like stuff in the vein of Swell Maps, Wire, Mekons, Raincoats, Monochrome Set, Josef K, Au Pairs, Gang of Four, and the Fall?

Congratulations regressive hosebags! You just guaranteed the show you claim to hate One Million (At least) Extra Viewers! Now go dip your jesus wafer in some Thunderbird, and shut the fuck up.

The only bad part of this story is that a person like LeVar Burton who wants to produce an excellent program like Reading Rainbow apparently has to go out hat in hand to achieve funding.

When Grimm did the second season fly creature episode that features a line something like "Get the spoon and scoop his eye out!", after which they DO scoop his eye out with gusto, I knew the producers finally decided to stop fucking around and deliver on the show's campy but bloody promise. It's not a great show mind

While I probably appreciate Swans' recent output more than you do, I too don't love it as much as their middle period work. White Light is one of my favorite albums of all time. Children of God, Great Annihilator, Sountracks for the Blind and even Love of Life are also albums I revisit regularly. Meanwhile, I have to

NBC should show this with an opening title screen "Bad Life Choices" and end with a "…the more you know" screen.

I've seen the first four seasons of SoA. It's been the sort of show I've found worth watching, even occasionally compelling. The character interplay alone is usually enough to justify watching. At its best, I have never felt it approached the upper tier of tv dramas.

They may truly be opinions, but that is far, far different from being opinions that are true.

Reading comments from your average AV Club commenter after reading the witless drivel on Breitbart allowed me to feel what it would be like to reverse a lobotomy. Never have I felt so grateful for this site. So thanks for that Chris!