Tamales y Atole

End of the day, they went with Jennifer Hale, one of the most prolific and recognizable VA’s in the business. To me, that makes it feel like this was less about getting paid a fair wage and more like someone highly overestimating the popularity and sales of a franchise and thinking they should get a hugely tilted,

Kotaku really can’t admit they were totally in the wrong here and keep pushing a ridiculous perspective with the headline and writing of the story.

Way to set back the entire VA labor movement, Helena. Hope it was worth it for those sweet clout bucks because you're never working again.

A fair living wage as a voice artist would seem to be based upon working a lot of the time. Like most people. Not working for a week or less and having enough to live on for a year. Does she only voice this one game and does no other work? They offered $15,000 initially. I thought I’d read that PlatinumGames had

Oh hey she’s starting to throw British pounds in there to obfuscate the conversation more.

WTF does she think a fair living wage is? $4000 for hours hours of work and shes bitching about it? Ok its a $450m franchise, but her work is what, 0.5% of the work involved to get the game on the market?

Madam, if you are the one who first brings things to light, you have to accept that people will defend themselves from your accusations (even if they’re true) and keep doing so. Getting to talk first often means foregoing getting the last word in too, because you otherwise look like a pain throwing a tantrum and

So not only she is a liar , but she still has The nerves to play The role of a victim, they offered 15,000 $ and SHE DID NOT ACCEPT IT. Then , The studio tried to at least include her somehow and offered 4000 $ and then claimed this was The only offer she had.

So she admits to being a flat out liar.

The worst part about this is we’re hearing about the actual horror stories some get paid and this won’t change a single thing. Just some messy kerfuffle of a diva and her slowly diminishing career.

At this point Hellena, you need to show your receipts because you have one of THE most reputable names in gaming journalism claiming otherwise.

So she lied, then when she got caught, she lied again, then she issued a non-apology casually admitting the truth.

A fair living wage huh? Rich people never cease to amaze me. She was offered 50 percent of the median income for an American worker. For a week of work.

So, long story short:

- she just lied about being offered 4K to voice Bayonetta,
- she just lied then when she said she wasn’t offered what Bloomberg said (15K), and even explains herself how she got offered 10K and then an extra 5K, which she refused.
- She claims she didn’t ask for 250K, but Bloomberg only mentioned a

The absolute lowest offer mentioned still equates to $200 per hour...

Because she is a LIAR, thanks for the Bayonetta 3 free promo.

So she could’ve walked away with 15,000 if she accepted the first “bonus”. She didn’t, and in the interim of 11 months, Jennifer Hale worked on the dub. Later, almost as to not let Taylor completely out, they offered her some VO —at this point, most likely for some random dialogues for the different Bayonettas that

I think she deserves scorn and a bit of blasting for using the term “living wage” when offered 15k for a week’s worth of work. A slap of reality is in order there. Don’t you dare act like your begging for bread.

She keeps calling this a 450 million dollar franchise and it isn’t anywhere close to that, which, combined with the other lies by omission, makes all her other claims suspect to me.