Tallulah Bankrupt

DB is pretty much all I continue to read on Jezebel. It seems you’ve decided to take the next step and give up on DB. The Lady GaGa’s dress thing was the headline in this morning’s DB. The headline. Of the thing you’re presumably paid something to write. 

If she dressed her child up in her likeness every day I'd have pause about it but seeing as how her kid wears a lot of actual kid clothing AND little kids typically love playing dress-up, I'd say it's no big deal. Shocking to admit this here, I'm aware. 

Poor Stormi accessory .

It’s really the opposite.  It’s amazing his handlers would allow him out in public like this knowing how much he’s hated outside his little bubble.

I honestly feel like something like this will be what brings him down. Not legal issues, or ethical violations....it will be something like a crowd booing and wounding his fragile little ego that will cause him to quit and let the world know, arms crossed and lip sticking out, that he didn’t want to be president

As Chris Rock said “there are black people who aren’t even born yet who won’t vote for him.”

He thinks he’s Marcus Aurelius, but he’s really just Joffrey  

I realize that Trump is the poster boy for the Dunning Kruger Effect, so yes, he probably did think that he would get a rousing ovation - hell, he probably thought the bullpen was going to call and ask him to come pitchy a couple innings - but is everyone else around him so brainwashed they honestly weren’t expecting

How much do you wanna bet Mick Mulvaney was up there saying some shit like this to calm him down

Yeah, that was not this.  Try as the might.

So that’s where Meliana was sitting.

And then Trump stretched out his arm in a thumbs down gesture, and was surprised when nothing happened.

I’m surprised he even bothered at all, because his normal SOP is to only go to public events that are basically arranged and controlled by him and his party. He can’t stand the idea that he’s unpopular, and it’s easiest for him to maintain the illusion by only ever going to his own personal self-esteem rallies.

By a bunch of old people wearing red hats and shirts.

Obviously Trump got confused and meant to attend the W Nationalists rally down the street.

Hours after his crowning moment of tritrumph of killing an ISIS leader no one outside of foreign policy circles really cared about, Trump wilts in the face of Natittude.

And then there’s also this bit of heartwarming goodness:

They were clearly saying boo-urns.