
Desperate is your parents or someone else helping you eat or pay your phone bill

What these types of “how to get by as unpaid intern” articles never cover is the expense that comes with existing beyond basic necessities, which is something that you HAVE to do as an adult. Like great, you have six roommates, your social events are potlucks, and you upsource goodwill clothing, so you are housed, fed

Isn’t it the opposite though? If you are in a position where you can work for no pay, someone else is covering your expenses, meaning you’re not desperate like someone who actually has to make money is.

I managed an unpaid internship while living in Brooklyn. It was hellish. I shared an (illegal) rental with three people (one of whom was likely insane) and had over a mile walk to the nearest train station. I worked two part time jobs and used my school loan to pay for existing and my average night’s sleep was around

This thread goes out to all the hardworking sysadmins!

I don’t want to be “that person.” I promise there is no intention of me being a snarky asshole with this comment. Please take this as me simply chiming in with some preferred higher ed language.

There’s storage and there’s needing a stepladder to get into bed.

I love jean shorts! What’s the problem here?

No joke, she’d look sharp and professionally badass if one of her more stylish closed-to-the-neck suit jackets was made of Kevlar. Especially with those dark sunglasses.

“Live Free or Die” is how it happened. As a New Englander, we don’t talk about New Hampshire. New Hampshire is the scary, libertarian, gun-loving, doomsday-prepping twin to Vermont’s folksy, hippie, intellectual hiker-farmer culture. It’s the South of the North. It’s the Florida of the Northeast.

Or they just have such blind hatred that they don’t care about trump, they just want her dead. It’s sickening

I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?

Dude! I am obsessively working my way through the entire series of ER. I have the smart ass skills of a Benton and the stare ‘til they are shamed glare of a Weaver.

I’ve mentioned this here before, but my last landlord is from Madrid. He was a manager at a recycling plant out in Modesto, and naturally most of his employees were Mexican immigrants. He had to speak English to them because they couldn’t understand his Spanish.

as a speaker of mongrel mixed mexican and south american spanish with whatever else i picked up along the way, i concur

True story: One of my Spanish teachers (it might have been a college professor. Everything prior to last week is a blur to me) complimented my Castilian accent because I was absolutely nailing that region’s pronunciation of the letter S. Uh... No, that’s actually just my lisp.

At least Peggy Hill recognizes that she needs to know spanish to teach it. FFS if Peggy can learn, so can this dillhole.

Peggy Hill, is that you?!?!

I didn't know that Abigail Fisher had changed her name.

I’m just throwing this out there, ‘cause this whole thing needs a name: Tress passing.