Bomani Jones teed off on him on his radio show last night (heard the podcast version this morning)
Bomani Jones teed off on him on his radio show last night (heard the podcast version this morning)
He’s on the record as saying nice things about Puerto Ricans, though. I even heard him say, “There’s no such thing as bad PR.”
Giving a church $20,000 while locking away cash to avoid making payments regarding a disabled child born out of marriage.
It turns out that the Patriots released their financials as well, but didn't account for inflation.
Pluto also has the same amount of Super Bowls wins as Minnesota.
Pudge Match
Would you like to know more about how the Ford Transit is beating up the competition?
The lack of people shouting “Worldstar!!!!” is disappointing.
That’s a really neat car that I spent half the video getting a clear shot of while The Dads yelled at each other
This was much more fun than the time Adrian Peterson and his sports baby did the whip.
Can’t believe she didn’t go for the :eyes: emoji!
For his next trick, Billy Hamilton will steal second base while hopping on one foot.
10:21 am BREAKING Cuban now driving through downtown San Antonio, looking for the place in the Mercado for fresh chorizo. CORRECTION: He is looking for Mexican sausage. CORRECTION TO THE CORRECTION: My sources are telling me chorizo IS Mexican sausage and that tweeting about sausage reveals subconscious homosexual…
He believes the Earth is 4,000 years old, so it’s not like he had any credibility to lose.
He would have given the Clippers an “A” if he had played for North Carolina.
Glad to see the guy finally caught a break.