Sam fisher's an aimbot

Why would we blame Microsoft? It's clearly Obama's fault.

When the WII U, The 3DS & the XBOX One are made by middle class Americans then we can pretend this is the most horrible thing of all time.

I'd hate to see how people will try to spin this in Microsoft's favor for the sake of PR. It sounds like the University was really treating these students unfairly. That's crazy.

Workplace exploitation is one thing. A conspiracy that involves the university as well? That's fucked up.

some hardcore waifu armpit action!

Yes, it's more of the same. Nobody's arguing otherwise. And yes, $30 is more than your average DLC. Nobody's arguing there either.

I wasn't happy that PvZ2 was an iOS exclusive, and still no PC version, but I understand the decision Popcap made. This I find utterly bizarre. Peggle is a game so suited to mobile and touch devices, and it's released exclusively on Xbone!?

I really really hate this new art direction. everything about it just looks so wrong.

I finished an Impossible Xcom run. It was hell.

So not only does X-COM: Enemy Unknown still blow The Bureau out of the water, now you do so literally in X-Com:Enemy Within?

Our obsession with being first instead of being right is bleeding into absolutely every aspect of journalism. And that totally blows.

As a 40 year old gamer myself, I would have to disagree with you. I have certainly aged from the days of standing in line, hungry from skipping lunch with my lunch money converted into quarters, at 7-11, waiting my turn to play Super Mario Bros, (circa 1980s) to staying up until midnight last night because I couldn't

Tch, kids these days...

Now playing

Remember the last time there was a crossover between a modern military shooter and a popular (subjective) band?

I would personally say that any Eminem is too much Eminem, so I agree!

Kate Upton in an outfit that makes it look like she has chest hair, that's what.

Thank god someone else here is into real comedy.