Sam fisher's an aimbot

"That was left handed!"

Although nicely made I think that the aliens in The Avengers were extremely dull and ultimately looked very much like Star Wars rejects, detracting from the film itself (not even mentioning the somewhat flat looking photography=\).

"See this." The masked merc spat in a thick drawl, "this is my place. My people."

My comment is super stupid, but I can't stop myself from asking: Which came first the Imperial Guard Deathstrike missile launcher or the TOPOL-M...

Here's a disturbing thought: What if Ultron is the only (other than Thor, in the MCU) to be able to wield Thor's hammer, is that despite wanting to wipe out humanity Ultron is worthy because he has clarity of purpose?

The only thing I don't like about the above image's is the filter used, so hopefully that's only used on marketing materials and isn't used within the film itself.

I'd have gone for this:

Sounds so good. It's a pity it's not on the Beeb in the UK, I guess I'll have to play an outraged citizen.

Hmm, I don't know. I feel it would take away from it's uniqueness if TLoUs is made into a movie.

Came back too late to edit, but having watched it again the story seems a little forced in that trailer. Hopefully it will better when watched in full.

Hmm... I'll watch it when someone uploads it to Youtube, I just hope it's not as terrible as Forward Unto Dawn=\

That looks pretty awesome to be honest, totally impractical to wear (more than the "normal" batsuit) but awesome none the less.

Can't we at least be happy we don't live on Catachan.

Kind of meant it a bit tongue in cheek, I also lived through IRA bombings so I'm more than familiar with it.

In other news the pictures of Halo Nightfall have been released:

Ah extremism, I thought we were past that in the West (for the most part!).

That looks fricken' awesome.

How long before DARPA tries to weaponize them?


Clara: "where are we going?"