Sam fisher's an aimbot

I hope they give him Plasmids instead of vigors... Bioshock Inifinites combat was waaaay to stale.

I hate that near-future stuff, because people are either assassins or templars. So every character you meet is one or the other, and any twist in the plot will revolve around one of them being the one they initially said they were not. Then you toss in the super natural beings, and I just kind of start spinning around

XOXO, Gossip Girl

Oh it definitely disrespects the console, but that is the whole point. Anyone involved with that trainwreck of a set-top-box pretending to be a game console DESERVES to be mocked. When you primary focus on a game console is not the games, you are doing it wrong.

Microsoft should hire some parents next time they want to name a new device. Parents always try to work through all the permutations of name-twisting that could occur with their newborns' names before deciding on one.

The Commissioner having to send the Bat-Signal out by drum is delirious.

I liked the story of HL2 and Ep. 2 (I barely remember Ep. 1), but yeah, I found the gameplay in HL1 far more exciting.

If Watch_Dogs really does turn out to have the same Assassin's Creed formula then GTAV will just be the better game because playing that is starting to make me realize how formulaic Ubisoft's Montreal's way of game design is becoming unless it's called Tom Clancy (though that's an separate issue).

A cheesy author who is responsible for some of the most generic war/espionage games ever made dies, everyone remembers him as being a great author who made great games.

Hyped already, loved Human Revolution.

Something's gotta sell Valve consoles, so why not HL3 :)

At this point I almost don't want this game to be released so that I don't have to read all the monumental hate it is going to bring down upon itself because it cannot possibly, at this point, live up to the outrageous expectations.

Fuck yea Space Marine! Good game. I was hoping to recognize something in all the blur and that one finally stood out.

I think she looks like an average girl. A female character, even an iconic one, doesn't always have to look like she walked out of a Victoria's Secret catalog to be cool, smart, or interesting.

See, this is what will happen if we all start using Valve's Steam Machine.

we've all been there. poking it, pressing buttons.. won't turn on. then it tells it we are going to die. maybe it's the video card?

That was not that freaky. I was waiting for Aphex Twin or Tool video levels of freaky, given the aesthetic.

So Moe.