Once I get my PS3 repaired (again) I know what I'll be playing.
Pewdiepie? I can't stand him I think the most of his videos I've ever watched was about 2 minutes worth, now Alex Day he's currently annoying me.
Or Doc Suess'XD
I might join that if my review works (which is delayed another week *sigh*), so are you joining us on the Ps3 or are you just gonna cry about us?
Tiger needs fixing seriously, let me see all the comments in every article I shouldn't have to choose between "the highlights" and the rest. As for kotaku UK, I don't think I can join as it feels like Denton is further splintering what's left of the Kotaku community and I'm not sure I like it.
Like this?
they should do this=D
For once we agree, that would be nice to see, but it won't ever happen as it would mean digging into their pockets and we can't have that (unless your an indie dev).
that sucks, kind of understandable since they have just finished a big project.
Did they even Praise the Sun?
Hmm I'll try that out on my next playthrough.
That would hurt, would you have any idea where your being shot from if there ever is a game Dark Souls with guns?
I enjoy both parkour and mech combat, but from what I've seen so far it looks to lack the depth of decent singleplayer game (which was a design choice) plus I'm not into multiplayer anyway - so maybe it's not for me after all!
Oddly enough all this hype is pushing me away from Titanfall, and leaving me wary of it's charms.
I've can safely say I've never encountered that issue of being seen by the enemy through walls, plus if one guy sees you he will sound the alarm and yes the rest will come looking for your blood, it's exactly what most games do nowa-days, even in something like COD or Halo ('specially 4 yuck!).
This so hard, make EVERY enemy a challenge.
Just out of curiosity in what instance did the AI see you through the walls in Uncharted 2? Because having completed the game several times over on multiple difficulty levels I can't recall any instance where they do.