Sam fisher's an aimbot

I like the AI in MGS2 as it will provide a challnge should you slip up or decide to go in guns blazing, they will methodically sweep rooms, give each other covering fire, radio for back up and generally make your life miserable. Blacklists AI is somewhat similar to MGS2's but just a little bit more "twitchy!"

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Going slightly off topic and looking for another series to enjoy alongside Deadwood? then I highly recommend Utopia:

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I prefer this rendition of Skrillrex myself:

Titanfall has a backstory?

Eh... Looked like a case style over substance to me, much like the new Kinja layout!

Looks like the Metal Gear evolutions of my dreams, with a bit of Ghost in the Shell thrown in for good measure!

Far too much hype is putting me off Titanfall!

I'd buy any Rocksteady game, but I'd wouldn't mind seeing them try their hand at Iron Man.

It looks like a cheap fusion of Firefly (which was way overrated in my opinion) and Farscape (one of my favorite things ever), it just doesn't excite me.

Partly for Scarjo, mostly for Glazer's directing as he is far and away my favorite director, not even Del Toro can match him in my opinion.

It a good job I won't be watching it for the title character then.

Looks incredibly generic to me *shrugs.*

To be honest the only comic book film I'm looking forward to is The Winter Soldier, and the only other film even on my Radar at the moment is Under the Skin and not just because it has a naked Scarjo in it!

I do but all I'm advocating is more realistic release dates mostly because most games last generation were buggy messes at least in the PS2 era (and before) even companies like EA at least tried to get games out somewhat bug free...

Why not just have a more realistic release date and give QA all the time it needs to work out bugs, surely that would be better than adding 'day one patches?'

Someone needs to come through with an adblock + for both Sony and MS stat!

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He comes across like a real life Gordon Gekko! The last thing EA needs is more suits.

Greed is good at EA, how very 80's of them. It's all well and good trying to maximize profits but it's really not if leads to unethical practices and screwing not only your current customers but also your potential customers, all of which this guy seems to advocate (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm just about to get