Sam fisher's an aimbot

Reminds me of the Orca from C & C fame.

I like the sound of this, I'll keep an eye on it.

Ignore this, accidental comment.

No love for the Particle Cannon in EW=(

I agree it looks a bit last gen, but as to how it plays I could not say.

Eh, that's a bit disappointing for an 'update.'

m sure there's a joke somewhere in there about how Luigi got his PHD, but I'm too lazy to dig for it...

'Specially when they synch up!

Sounds good, I'll wait for the game of the year version though...

*Waits for the playthrough with Matt and Patt!!*

Looks like a TF2 mod!

A fan of the other, other white meat then, eh.

Now playing

All I can think of when I see Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is this:

Not as good as the original=|

Graphics be graphics I guess. Come on EA release a gameplay video.

LOL no. I remember it being terrible from the demo I played of it.

Gah, not entirely too sure what to make of this. Though given Googles current practice's it would not surprise me if they build Elysium style robots as both a private security force and and enforcers of Googles copyright!

Ballmers memories? Probably consist of yelling at the Xbox team "are we making a profit yet" and throwing chairs at them when they forgot to include the price of screws in the cost of making the XBox OG!(!)

I'll pick it when it filers through to Amazon or E-Bay, whichever comes first!

What good is pretty graphics without decent art design? Because even Crysis 2 and 3 have a genic art style that kind of works for it, but Battlefield needs something a little different art wise from COD to really make it's identity known in my opinion.