I'm loving the compositions of the work, reminds me of the very best of the 40K artwork. (which is incidentally inspired by historic paintings) So it's nice to to see come full circle, once again.
I'm loving the compositions of the work, reminds me of the very best of the 40K artwork. (which is incidentally inspired by historic paintings) So it's nice to to see come full circle, once again.
Again I will wait for Cyberpunk 2077.
*Shrugs* oh look another celeb voiceover, isn't thee any established voice artists who can give a better performance?
Could be interesting, could be disappointing.
I thought the dialogue felt very forced in places, was reaching for meaning and trying far too hard throughout, but I did like some of the gameplay, mostly the sections where you can just explore!
I read it as "Ka-Blam stadium," now I'm disappointed!
God no...
Nice as it is I'd rather wait for Cyberpunk 2077.
Eh. It was an alright trailer I guess.
South Park will never be *as* offensive as it used to be, here's something that has taken it's crown, in my opinion at least!
So much car porn...
Shrugs, goes back to playing XCom EW.
I would buy the next Ass Creed game if it was set in and around industrial/ Victorian London, it would be awesome.
The end of Silent Hill 2 and the middle of Silent Hill 3, feels everywhere.
Losing a guy who you've had since the opening mission in XCom (both classic and remake).
Doesn't it normally take MS at least seven attempts to release something (reletively) bug free?
My reaction to all this?
A grand total of £25, on XCom: Enemy Within.
The NSA can order babies and pregnant women (among others) killed, so I don't see this as much of a stretch.