Really. XBox Bing?
Really. XBox Bing?
Yay, Bill Hicks.
Dat last gen body... Compared to her face at least, which is a thousand times more detailed. Oddly.
awww man, Falling Down is an awesome movie, easily in my top 20. I seriously hope that the long rumoured 'Ultimate edtion' BD release is incoming soonish, as I would get it in a heart beat.
I'm currently stuck on 'the supply ship' mission and getting my arse kicked by about four (or possibly more?) Sectopods and multiple mechtoids. On normal.
Huh, *goes on playing XCom EW.*
More like horrifying nightmare fuel, right!
My only complaint with Rising was the soundtrack: It was entirely too short for it's own amazingness. I wish we had an extended ost.
I have no problem with this, since I will likely pick it up again when I move on from my PS3.
I see the maxim a fool and his money are soon parted is very much still prelevent in this day and age!
I remember having lean on the PS2 version of Deus Ex and Cold Winter, as well as quake 2 sorta, it's really nothing new.
Those are awesome options.
I came on here to ask the same thing, I'm sure they have titles in development (they must do surely!) but the lack of any real long term game content is slightly worrying.
According to MS the "free to play version" is the most generous demo ever, to use their words - make of that what you will!
Do you have these options though?
Waits for 'Heat' type scenario too play out!
Looks alright, not what I want (but then again, with this licence what did I expect!
I begged for a theatre mode in Splinter Cell Blacklist, but UBI wasn't having any of it=(