
The hottest and most generic of takes.

Just remember: these are the same fans that, when Joss Whedon liked a tweet that stated Steppenwolf was a terrible villain, they immediately began attacking Whedon, stating that he had “ruined Snyder’s vision.” Despite the fact that 1) Snyder asked Whedon to write new scenes for the film and 2) Steppenwolf really was

(I’m not a vegetarian or vegan or anything, but) just because we evolved to eat meat out of necessity doesn’t mean we have to eat it anymore. We can already eat plants and survive well off of them. Human digestive systems are more similar to herbivores’ than carnivores’. It’s not really a question of evolving back or

No, you’re confused. People have every right to make their own dietary choices. The arrogance comes into play when they start telling everyone else what to eat.

You know what is the height of elite arrogance? Judging people for their dietary choices.

I wonder if you realize that for the overwhelming majority of human existence, meat was a luxury. Hunter gatherer societies survived mainly due to gathering. It is only recently and only in wealthy countries that have industrial farming (and the subsidies that go with it) that animal products are so readily available.

Veganism is not the height of elite arrogance, being ignorant to the fact that consumerism and the western diet and its impact on the world is the height of elitism. I’m going to guess you’re not sitting in some mud hut starving away and only option to keep from wasting away is eating a bacon double cheese burger from

Vegan food doesn’t have to be organic/can include pesticides

My guess.

honestly though? who’ll watch the watchmen?

Yeah, because context doesn’t matter! ::eyeroll::

“Did you say the same thing when Obama and Clinton both have said what Trump said?”

Did you notice that the train engine is Canadian? The logo is for CN = Canadian national!

Every other site, even The Root, which is new, seems to have pretty robust communities. You guys will figure it out.

There’s always one on every article.

As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a Joker...

Why did you get the impression that they traveled for a few days north of the wall? They never made camp. You never saw it become dark (until they were on the island). At first I thought it was 2-3 days, but after I thought about it, why? Maybe you had the same impression that I did, but there was nothing to indicate

To me it only seemed like they had been traveling for a day.

Think whatever you want, but there are few players in the league that take the abuse game in and game out that Crosby does and get no penalties for it. Case in point: three Senstors just holding him to the ice in their zone on Tuesday with a ref staring right at them and nothing. It’s pretty obvious that you’re